chapter ten

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Weeks passed by without Mokuba getting better. It's the opposite. His health is getting worse.
One day he is passing out.
Kaiba takes his little brother in his arms when he has knelt down, and looks afraid at the pale face of his dear brother.
Mokuba opens his eyes slowly and looks asking and tired at Kaiba.
"Seto?... What happened?" He asks.
Kaiba gasps surprised that Mokuba doesn't remember what just happened. How he was stumbling forward and was about to pass out. And how he at last fell down at the floor in the living room.
"You...You passed out..." Kaiba answers and swallows hardly.
"Let's take you to the hospital... Perhaps you have some kind of infection and that's why you aren't getting better..."
Mokuba nods slowly.
Kaiba starts standing up with his brother still in his arms.

The doctor rubs his dark hair with grey strands while he is reading the results of the tests they've had taken.
"According this is young Kaiba in good health..." the doctor explains and adjust his eyeglasses since they've had slipped down on his nose.
Seto kaiba raises an confused eyebrow while Mokuba is coughing. The boy is still looking pale, not fully recovered from fainting earlier.
"But he isn't well... He keeps coughing, is getting paler and paler for each day...And he passed out today..." Kaiba protests.
The doctor nods and glances at Mokuba.
" It isn't unusual that you keep coughing weeks after you've had recovered, or are feeling exhausted... And since your little brother's test results aren't positive and indicates on an infection or other diseases, we can't do much more right now... Perhaps his condition is results of psychic problems?... I can give you a number to a great counselor you can call and make an appointment to if you think your brother needs someone to talk with..." the doctor suggests and starts searching after something in the pocket of his white coat.
Kaiba grits his teeth frustrated. Even though the tests didn't pointed out there were something wrong, he can obviously see something is going on with Mokuba. That, he isn't feeling well.
"But!..." Kaiba protests while the doctor found the card with contact information to the counselor he mentioned.
"And if young Kaiba isn't feeling better until the weekend you can come back and we will do more tests then..." the man smiles gently and a bit tired while he reaches out the card to Seto.
Kaiba exhales and looks down at the card.
The brunette takes the card and is wondering to himself why the idiots at the hospital can't do those tests right now. Why waiting any longer if they have other tests they can do as they haven't done yet?!
"Fine..." Kaiba snorts and turns around in angry movements.
"Come Mokuba... Time to leave..." he mutters.
Mokuba jolts.
"O-okay Seto...." he says and starts moving after Kaiba there he starts stumbling with his feet.
Kaiba notices that and grabs Mokuba's hand and starts leading him out from the room. Asking himself if he should perhaps buy the hospital and fire some of the idiots and then force the others to run every possible test they can on Mokuba.

Yami is meeting them at the hallway in the big mansion.
"How did it go?" He asks and is eyeing Mokuba curiously and then at Kaiba.
Kaiba snorts while he is heading to the stairs.
"They are a bunch of incapable blockheads..." he mutters while he walks upstairs.
Yami parts his lips surprised of Kaiba's response.
Then he looks asking at Mokuba.
"And what does that means?"
Mokuba shrugs.
"They couldn't find anything wrong with me... Seto tried protesting but the doctor wouldn't listen... That's why my brother is in such a bad mood..." Mokuba explains and sighs while he is lowering his shoulders.
Yami nods. He could understand Kaiba was upset since Mokuba means everything to him.
"Weird they didn't found anything since you haven't felt well lately..."
Mokuba looks asking at him.
"Hey Yami..." he starts saying and makes Yami to hum asking.
"You have magic right?"
"Not magic as; Abra kadabra I have summoned a rabbit from the hat..." Yami answers and raises an eyebrow.
"Why?" He adds asking and tilts his head.
Mokuba looks down.
"Can...Can you find out if I'm sick? And if I'm dying?" The teen asks.
Yami inhales and looks bothered at the shorter boy.
"Ehm... I can't use magic and find out if you have some kind of infection or something... But...I-...I can read people's lifespan and find out how many days they have left...B-..."
Mokuba jolts gasping and looks seriously at Yami.
"CAN YOU DO THAT ON ME...PLease...." the boys begs excited and calms down a slightly at the end.
Yami furrows his eyebrows.
"I don't like to do that with people I knows... It would feel awful knowing the one I care about only have few days left to live..." he explains and swallows hardly.
Mokuba leans against Yami there he grabs his purple tank top who is almost looking black instead.
Yami flinches and leans backward a bit.
"Please Yami! It would calm me down... "
Yami gasps while he is eyeing Mokuba's face who seems getting a little colour from excitement of getting his lifespan read.
"Okay..." he agrees and thinks he will just lie to Mokuba if the number isn't good news. And even if the number is good news; he won't  tell Mokuba the right number since he doesn't want to scare the poor boy with knowing the exact day he will die.
Even if Mokuba will live about one hundred years, Yami will tell him; he will live one hundred years and a month.
Yami doesn't want to make Mokuba's last days to become anxious since he knows the truth.
The boy exhales smiling and let's go off Yami.
Yami nods. Asking himself if he should read Mokuba's lifespan and know the truth or if he just should pretend he is reading his lifespan.
But since he is afraid something is wrong with Mokuba, he decides to read his lifespan anyway.
Yami wides his eyes and his red eyes gets redder; as pure light is flashing out through his eyes and is penetrating Mokuba's inner and is revealing the truth.
Usual a white number uses to pop up on people's forehead.
Which it does with Mokuba too, but the number seems glitching, as someone had hacked him and making his data to glitch.
Numbers are jumping around on Mokuba's forehead as they couldn't decide how many days Mokuba should have left in his life.

Yami jolts and shakes his head to turn off his ability to read Mokuba's lifespan.
The boy tilts his head asking, getting the feeling Yami saw something who isn't good news.
"What did you... See..." Mokuba asks and isn't feeling very excited anymore of getting the truth.
"Eh..." Yami furrows his eyebrows.
"Well?" Mokuba gulps.
Yami sighs.
" I don't know honestly... I couldn't read your lifespan since the numbers were jumping around as they were glitching..." he shrugs and wonders what that means.
Mokuba exhales.
"Is...Is that bad?"
Yami shrugs.
"I don't know..." he answers while Mokuba starts coughing.
Yami gets the feeling that; the glitching is a bad omen.
"Want to play something?" He suggests with a gently smile.
Mokuba nods.
" We can play capsule monster chess in my bedroom..." the black haired boy suggests.
Yami smiles widely.
"Sounds great! It have been a long time since we played that together"

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