chapter thirteen

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Note!; This chapter is about many, many years after the last chapter ended.
The people who lived before don't live anymore since a long time has passed.
Enjoy the ending of this book, hopefully have you enjoyed the book ^^
Thanks you who have read the book! ~

Light Yagami smirks.
His biggest enemy; L, is finally out from the game.
Now, can no one interrupt his plans to make the world into a better place there humans can live without fear from being attacked of villains.
The brunette knows he's had a reason to make the world safer. But he can't remember why. It's like, someone else who was him but also not, had decided to make the world safe to make someone happy and safe.
Light looks asking at the death angel; Ryuk.
"Hey..." he shouts and leans backward in the chair with his arms crossed behind his head. He tilts the chair a slightly.
Ryuk flinches and looks asking at Light while he is eating red apples.
Light exhales.
"Do human reborn when they've had died?"
Ryuk gasps and starts eyeing with his yellow eyes at Light.
"Well... Some of them do...Why?"
The brunette raises an eyebrow before he chuckles.
"Nothing... I just have the weird feeling I have lived another life... Don't think about it... I'm probably just silly " he snickers grinning.
His phone starts ringing.
"Hm?" Light sits upright and takes up his phone there the name; Misamisa, shows up on the screen.
He snorts.
Ryuk tilts his head curiously.
"Who are calling you?"
Light rolls his eyes and declined the call.
"No one..." he mutters.
The only reason he is keeping Misa Amane is since she gave up half of her life to the death angel she had, to get the ability to read other people's name without them saying what their name are.
Since Light doesn't want to cut half of his lifespan for the same ability, he decides to use Misa for his own sake.
The only way to kill villains as he does is; he needs knowing both the person's face and name. Then he has to write down the name in the death note.
If he is only writing the name without adding something, the person will die in heart attack.
But if he adds the circumstances how the person will die, the person will die exactly as he wrote it would.
But as said; he both need face and name to kill someone.
Which is why he keeps Misa since she can see people's name on their forehead.
The problem is; he hates her!
She is too clingy and think they are a couple.
There are no way he would allow her to be his girlfriend.
She isn't the one.
He feels how his heart is waiting on someone.
The right person to complete his life.
But he doesn't know who.
It feels as he has met the person before and promised he will wait until the person shows up.
And it feels as his heart will know when the person shows up in front him.

Someone is knocking on the front door.
Light flinches gasping and stands up.
"If it's her... " he mutters pissed and puts back the phone in the pocket.
Ryuk smirks and starts flying after Light since he doesn't want to miss the eventually drama if it's Misa outside.
The brunette opens the door a bit harshly and hostility.
He gasps surprised when he sees a slender young woman around his age.
The young woman has spiky hair down to her waist with three different hair colors; black, blond and purple. The back is the dominant hair color while the other are more like a few strands part of the black, there the blond is only a part of her bang.
"Who?..." Light exhales whispering while his heart pounds happily.
"Hm?" Ryuk looks asking at Light, he has never seen the brunette acting this weirdly around someone before.
The woman with red eyes smiles.
"Hi Seto... I never thought you would kill humans with evil in their heart to make sure the world is safe for Mokuba to get born in...But now when I'm thinking about it... It sounds as something you could do for your precious brother..." the woman chuckles and crosses her arms.
Light wides his eyes.
The two name; Seto and Mokuba ring a bell in his backhead.
"Ya-?...Tell me your name" Light begs since he thinks he knows the woman's name.
"My name is still Yami as in my other life... And yours are Light in this life, right?"
Light's heart pounds faster and loudly.
The brunette starts furrow his eyebrows while he is tearing up.
Now the last puzzle piece fell on place.
He has always been waiting on Yami, the only love in his life.
Light pulls Yami into a hug there he sniffed.
The death angel looks confused.
" What is happening? I have never seen you behaving like this, Light..." Ryuk points out and tries eyeing the woman to understand what's the big deal about her.
Yami sighs with her chin on Light's shoulder.
"I have one question..." she says.
"Yes?" Light asks.
"How did you ended up with a death angel attached to you?"
Both Ryuk and Light flinch and looks asking at Yami.
"How?!" They both ask.
Yami smirks.
"Well... I have been both the nameless Pharoah and the reaper in my former life... I have still some powers who allow me to see creatures who aren't part of this world..."
Light parts his lips while more memories from his former life comes back.
One of the memories is about his little brother, Mokuba.
Light gulps.
"How come...Why did you born as woman instead as man?" He asks curiously.
Yami smiles.
"Since I will grant you one wish and let you be the father to Mokuba as you wanted... As man I would never be able to fulfill your wish...But as woman...I will be able to make your dream come true..."
The corners of Light's lips curls into a smile.
"Oh Yami...I love you..." he mumbles and starts kissing the female version of Yami.

About five years later are they married and have two twin boys.
One boy with tricolored hair whose name is; Yugi. The second boy has long black hair and his name is Mokuba.
Since Light is living happily with the family he had dreamed of; he isn't using his death note anymore. Which made Ryuk bored and decided to leave Light's side.
No one except few people know what happened with the God Kira (Light's alias). But everyone tries living peacefully without doing crimes since they are afraid the God will come back and start punishment them again....

The end~

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