chapter two

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Kaiba furrows his eyebrows and snorts.
"My turn!" He shouts and draw a card.
He glances against the new card.
"Tsk..." he had draw 'Aqua Madoor' a spellcaster with low attack points. It seems he is forced to play in defence this turn.
"I summon 'Aqua Madoor' in defence..." he says and place the card on his duel disc.
"Then I turn up my hidden card and activate 'horn of light' and equipped it with Aqua Madoor which increases its defence from 2000 to 2800" Kaiba says and grimace when he sees the smirk from the reaper.
"I end my turn by placing a hidden card on the field..." he says and place down a spell- or trapcard.
" won't get back to your life by defending..."the reaper says and draw a card.
"Poor Mokuba will be alone without you..."
"SHUT UP!" Kaiba shouts and feels how his heart starts racing of panic.
He must win. Mokuba counts on him.
The reaper chuckles and places down a card on the duel disc.
"I activate a spellcard, 'stop defence'..." the reaper starts saying which make Kaiba takes a step backward.
"No....not that card..."Seto mumbles.
"Yes that card! I use that card's effect on your defence monster 'Aqua Madoor' and force it into attack position instead..." he tells Kaiba.
Kaiba starts mumble curses.
His Aqua Madoor has only 1200 attack points while reapers attack monster 'chimera the flying mythical beast' has 2100 attack points.
The reaper grins and swings his arm.
"Chimera the flying mythical beast..attack Aqua Madoor"
Kaiba couldn't do anything than see how his second monster gets destroyed. And how his life points goes down from 2400 to 1500, while his opponent still have 4000 LP.
"There you see... defending isn't an will place down a  defence monster face-down and it's your turn kaiba"
" doesn't have to tell me that..." Kaiba snorts and places his fingers on his deck and is about to draw a card.
"My turn...I draw a card" he shouts and grins when he sees his new card.
"I activate pot of greed which let me draw two new cards..." he says and starts drawing two other cards.
Kaiba is examining his hand and starts laughing loudly.
"It seems Godness of fortune is smiling down on me..."Seto says which make the reaper tilts his interested.
"First... I activate Lord of D. in defence, then I activate the spellcard 'The flute of summoning Dragons' and I suppose you knows what will happen next" Kaiba says grinning.
The reaper snorts.
"I suppose you will summon two blue eyes white dragons..."
Kaiba laughs and wides his eyes excited.
"Yes! Let's see my two beautiful white dragons" he says and places down two blue eyes on his field in attack position.
"And now... my two blue-eyes white dragons...attack the reapers monsters"
One of the blue eyes attacks the reapers face down monster and 'Mystical elf' reveals and she gets destroyed since blue eyes is stronger than her. But since she was in defence, the reaper didn't lose LP.
But the other blue eyes destroys 'chimera the flying mythical beast' and since that card was in attack position, the reaper lose 900LP, and reapers Life points goes down from 4000 to 3100.
"Try to beat that" Kaiba laugh and feels unbeatable.
Now, he only has to take down the rest of the reapers life points.  Then, he can come back to life and be with his little brother as he is suppose to be.
"That's was a good battle phase...but, now it's mine turn! I draw a card" the reaper shouts and draw a card.
"First... I summon 'magician's valkyria' in attack position then I place down two hidden cards...your turn" the reapers says.
Kaiba raises a brow.
Magician's Valkyria  has only 1600 attack, which is 1400 lower than blue eyes white dragon.
Why would the reaper make that mistake? If... he isn't planning a trap!
"I draw a card..." Kaiba shouts and draw a card.
  A small smile spreads on his face when he sees his new card.
"Blue eyes white dragon attack his monster!" He commands and see one of his dragons fly away and is about to attack magician's valkyria.
"You have fall in my trap...I activate 'mirror force' which destroys all your monsters " the reapers tells him.
  A blue circle protects Magician's valkyria and throws back; blue eyes attack against all Kaiba's monster and destroys them.
"Then... I place down my spellcard 'monster reborn' and take back one of my dragons..." Kaiba says and use the effect of his spellcard he places down from his hand onto his duel disc.
His card with Blue-eyes white dragon spits out from the graveyard.
He picks up the card and place it face-up in attack position.
"Blue-eyes white dragon...attack magician's valkyria and destroy her" Kaiba says and declare an attack.
Now, his dragon managed to destroy her and the reapers LP goes down from 3100 to 1600.
The reaper has still more LP than Kaiba. But now it's at least only 100 LP in difference between them.
Kaiba has a chance to end as the victory from this match.
"Mokuba..." he mumbles and opens his necklace who looks like a magic and wizard card.
He is looking down on the ripped photo of his baby brother, there Mokuba was playing chess with him at the orphanage.
the other half of the photo with himself playing chess, is with Mokuba.
"Are we playing or looking at old memories?!" The reaper asks.
Kaiba grunts and close his necklace.
"I place a card face down and end my phase "
The reaper draws a card.
" First...I place down 'swords of revealing light' on the field, which stop you from declaring attacks against me or my monsters in three turns...then I summon Sangan in defence and end my phase"
Kaiba tilts his head while he draw a card.
"Are you trying to buy you some time?" He asks and feels how his brain is working in full-time of recognition of the reapers tactic and which card he uses.
The reaper grins.
"We will soon see..."
Kaiba is looking down on his hand.
"I can nothing do and end my phase..."
"My turn..."the reaper says and draw a card.
" I summon 'Marshmallon'..."he starts saying.
Kaiba wides his eyes.
"Which monster are you going to summon by sacrifice those two?!"
The reaper starts laughing.
"I sacrifice 'sangan' and 'Marshmallon' and summon the mighty wizard...'Dark magician'!" He says and takes away the other two card from the duel disc and place Dark magician in attack position.
Kaiba drops his jaw. Not be course he thinks Dark magician will destroy his dragon. His dragon is 500 attack points stronger. No, he drops his jaw since he is sure who he is duelling against.
"I know who you are!" Kaiba says and points his index finger against the reaper.
A smirk spreads on the reapers covered face.
"And, who do you think I am?"
"You are Yugi, the King of games" Kaiba says and clench his hand instead of pointing his finger against his opponents.
Suddenly the millennium puzzle appears around the reapers neck.
"At last... you recognise me..." he says and pull down the cowl and the familiar face of the pharaoh with tricolour hair reavel.
"But I'm not can call me Yami"
Kaiba gasps of seeing the face of his love. His heart starts beating happily and spreads some warmth in his body. Or... at least, it feels as that.
He isn't sure yet, if this is his body or only his spirit.
   He had thought he would never see him again. And here they are, duelling against each other, one more time.
Kaiba starts laughing hysterically which make Yami tilts his head confused.
Seto grins.
"Yami... You can't understand how happy this make me... knowing my opponent is you"
Yami nods and crosses his two arms; his skeleton arm with his human arm.
"I know Kaiba... this make me happy too... our paths have always been intertwined since the beginning "
Kaiba is glaring at Yami, thinking how lucky he is. Now he both gets the duel he has been dreaming of, and a chance to tell his feelings to Yu-ehm.. Yami.
"Let's duel!" Kaiba shouts and has forgot this is the big duel of life and death.
He can't stop thinking about the man he has in front of him.
The man with red eyes who isn't planning to give up and accept a defeat.
The man he wants keep to himself.

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