"I'm a healer," Sara said, trying to make her voice sound deeper.

Thorin didn't seem to notice her attempt at making her voice deeper and didn't catch on to the slight feminine pitch of her voice.

"A healer you say?" THorin asked, raising an eyebrow in skepticism.

"Indeed," Gandalf added, realizing that Sara had more talents than he knew, "One of the best. She is far more advanced than any healer I know."

Sara rolled her eyes. The truth was she knew how to handle most cases of injury such as broken bones, nurse maids elbow, cuts and scrapes but considering that they would be facing orcs and poisoned arrows.... she wouldn't be that much help in some cases.

THorin eyed the girl suspiciously, "You're no dwarf. You're of lighter build than even Kili."

Sara nodded, "I'm a human."

"A little on the short side," Thorin pointed out, his voice showing no humor or kindness.

Sara snorted, "Not exactly reaching the top shelf yourself," she remarked, quoting her favorite line from The Greatest Showman.

Thorin raised his eyebrows in surprise but the faintest smirk flashed across his face but Sara noted that it was similar to the smirk he gave Bilbo which probably wasn't one of kindness but of teasing.

"Why do you wear a hood?" he inquired.

Sara turned her head slightly towards Gandalf and the wizard patted her shoulder, meaning she could remove it. Sara reached up and pushed her hood off her head, letting her bright red curls fall down her back and to her waist.

Thorin took a step back and his eyebrows shot down but Sara noticed that his mouth parted slightly in surprise. Uh oh.

"A girl Gandalf?" THorin scoffed, "You're suggesting we bring a female with us?"

Sara's face reddens with anger. She didn't know why for even through all his annoying times in the films, she had never gotten angry with the character but hearing him speak to her like that in person suddenly made her infuriated at the dwarf.

"She's just a girl," Thorin pointed out again.

"And you're just a dwarf," Sara snapped.

Thorin glowered at her while Gandalf's eyebrow shot up in surprise at Sara's comeback.

"No don't tell me," Sara remarked sarcastically, mentally thanking her mother for handing down sarcasm to her, "You think that the opposite sex is weaker because of our proportions."

Gandalf covered his mouth, trying to not laugh while Thorin glowered at the girl.

"Women are weaker because of their soft hearts."

Sara snorted, "Having a heart never killed anyone THorin Oakenshield. Not having a heart was what led the man to his grave."

Thorin's eyebrows seemed to continuously lower and Sara wondered how much more he could glower before he broke. He gave her a disgusted sneer which only sent a rush of fury through Sara's body.

"We'll see about that."

With that, the dwarf prince turned on his heel and walked back to the table, sitting down at the head. Gandalf let out a deep breath and patted the girl's shoulder before taking his seat next to Thorin. Sara eyed the table and saw Kili point to a seat next to him. Smiling, the girl walked around the table, avoiding Thorin and sat down next to Kili in the shadows, drawing her hood back up.

"How went the meeting of Erid Luin?" Balin asked once they had sat down, "Did they all come?"

"Aye," Thorin replied, pausing his meal to reply, "Envoys from all seven kingdoms."

Journey to Middle Earth // Thorin OakenshieldWhere stories live. Discover now