Where is all this coming from?

Start from the beginning

When I finally stepped out of the shower, the mirror was completely fogged. I sighed, wiping away the fog. I gasped and jumped back when I noticed the reflection of the glowing blue of my iris's. I blinked, opening my eyes again. They had already faded back to brown. I shook my head, walking out of the bathroom. I really am losing my mind. I heard my phone buzz again as I walked into my room and began getting dressed. I picked it up, reading it.

Stiles- Hey I know things are weird but I still love you. I want to talk. Also we traced a text that the alpha had sent that night at the school. It went back to Melissa's computer at the hospital. Don't tell Scott. Going to the hospital. Please talk to me. 

Melissa? Scott's mom? No, she couldn't be the alpha. She would never hurt Scott or me. But it the alpha was at the hospital or god forbid it was Scott's mom, Stiles was heading there now. He was going to find the alpha. I threw my phone down on the bed letting out a frustrated groan. Stiles! God he was going to get himself killed. So did I go and protect him? Or protect him from myself? As I contemplated I figured that my hurting the love of my life was less likely than the murderous alpha hurting him. I guess I'm going but I'm to watch from a far just incase nothing happens. If he doesn't have to know I was there, he won't.


As I watched Stiles walk into the hospital, I realized something else. He was going to miss his first lacrosse game. The lacrosse game his very proud father was going to see. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. I wish he wasn't involved. I wish he could live a normal life. But instead he is missing his first lacrosse game to track down a psychotic werewolf. 

Suddenly, Derek jumped out of the car and ran into the hospital. Oh no. That could not be good. I had to go check on them. I turned the key shutting the car off. I got out of the car, jogging towards the hospital. Please be okay Stiles. I ran into the hospital, running through the hallway. I stopped dead in my tracks as I heard glass shatter and a shrill yelp belonging to Stiles. I immediately began running forward faster. "Stiles!" I called. I was close. As I rounded the corner, I stopped dead in my tracks.

Peter, Derek's half comatosed uncle stood looming over Derek who lay injured on the floor. Glass lay around him as if he had been thrown into the window. Peter turned, picking up Stiles off the ground by the collar. "Please don't" Stiles choked as he grabbed onto Peter's hand. 

"Let him go" I growled, making my hands into fists. Peter turned to me smirking. He dropped Stiles to the ground, Stiles gasping for air as he hit the ground. I winced. I immediately wanted to run over and heal him, make sure he was okay. But I had another problem at hand. Peter walked over to me, his head cocked to the side, his smug smirk on his face. He lurched forward, picking me up by the throat. I sputtered for air, clawing at his hands. 

"I spared your life once girl for healing me. I thought you would be smart enough to keep it" Peter coed. Then I had an idea. I had never done it before and to be honest I didn't even know if it would work but I had to try. 

"Yeah that's right. I did heal you" I choked, laying my hand on the side of his face. "and I can also take it away" I spat. I closed my eyes, pulling back all the power I had given him to heal himself. Peter's eyes went wide as a dark blue light began to form around my hand. Peter screamed out in pain.

"AHH!" he screamed dropping me to a standing position as he crumpled to the ground. The burn began to appear on his face again. "What are you doing to me?" he screamed, looking up at me with his eyes glowing red. I took a deep breath, my air ways functioning again.

"I'm taking back what I gave to you. You are not worthy of being healed" I growled as I continued to suck the health out of him. I stepped back, removing my hand. Half of Peter's face was covered in burns again. Peter's screams came to an end as he began to chuckle. Slowly he got back up to his feet. 

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