Where is all this coming from?

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"I-I'm so sorry" I sputtered as I backed into the wall. I stared down at my hands that had begun shaking profusely. The blue was gone, as if I had imagined it. But Derek lay, hurt on the ground reminding me that I wasn't.Derek sat up on the ground, staring at me with his mouth wide open. His eyes looked at me as if he didn't know who I was. "I-I don't k-know what happened" I shook, tears coming to my eyes. I looked over at Stiles who was backing up, staring at me. He looked.....scared. I felt a pang in my chest as I stared into his wide eyes. "I'm sorry" I cried before turning and running out of the room. I sprinted down the hallway, jumping down the stairs. 

"Hey Emma what-" Mr. Stilinski began to speak before I ran past him.

"Sorry I have to go" I rushed out before bursting through the front door and into the cool air. It was seconds before hot tears began to stream down my face. I pumped my legs and took in deep ragged breaths as I ran. I sprinted across the street, missing an oncoming pick up truck before entering the woods. I ran and ran, my lungs were burning as they contracted, sucking in as much air as I could manage. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I dropped down to my hands and knees, letting out a long drawn out scream until finally my voice cracked and I broke down into sobs.

I laid down in the leaves, letting the moisture from the past rain soak into my clothes. What was happening to me? Why was I acting like this? Where had that power come from? I have never felt so powerful and so out of control at the same time. I feel like I'm losing my mind. And to top it all off, I had scared Stiles off in the process. There is no way he would want to be around me now. Not when I get sudden bursts of literally blinding power. I couldn't control, nor do I know how to trigger it. 

I had lost him. And Derek. And I'm sure that I will lose Scott to as soon as Stiles tells him what happened. I have to get out of here. I can't let them find me. They want to tell me they can help and they don't care. But I could hurt them. Until I have absolute control, I can't risk it. But where would I go? The only place I could think of was my house. Not a very good hiding place I know. But I wouldn't talk to them. I couldn't. It's the only way to keep them safe.

I used my shaky arms to push myself off the cold, hard ground. I wobbled for a second as I got to my feet. I wiped the dirt off my face that had collected when I sobbed into the ground. I felt a buzz in my pocket. After taking a deep breath, I took it out. 

Stiles- Em, we need to talk. I don't care about what happened. We'll figure it out, we always do. I love you.

This was so him. To be so forgiving and not see that I was dangerous and I could hurt him. I couldn't talk to him. I couldn't be around him without worry now. I can't look at his face without remembering the look on his face when I used some weird power to throw Derek across the room. I deleted the text before shoving my phone back in my pocket. I loved Stiles and had to protect him. The only way to do that at the moment, was staying away from him. 

Slowly, I made my way home. I managed to trip a few times in which I let myself fall to the ground before pushing myself back up again. By the time I reach my house my clothes were dripping wet and my shoes were soaked to the sock. 

"Hello darling" my Uncle called from the kitchen as soon as he heard the door shut. "how was your day-" my uncle stopped once he saw my appearance. "what happened to you?" he asked, putting down the paper he had been reading.

"Nothing. It's just raining out" I lied, wiping the water off my forehead. "If anyone asks if I'm home, tell them I don't want to see them" I muttered before taking off up stairs. I went into the bathroom, stripping off my soaking wet clothes and attempting to take off the memory of what just happened. I cranked the water up so it was boiling hot. Perhaps it could warm my body which was chilled to the bone.

Heal YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora