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Third Person P.O.V

Everyone shuffled into Emma's room, some sighs and tears escaping as the pack filled their friends room. Stiles, Isaac and Dean sat down on her bed, memories running through their mind. Lydia and Allison hugged each other and sat on the floor, where they had all painted each others nails and told embarrassing stories. Sam sat at her desk near Derek who stood in the corner, a pained look on his face. Scott walked to her closet, kneeling down on the floor and fishing around with his arm.

"Here it is" Scott said softly, pulling a shoe box from the closet. He pulled off the white lid, picking up a stack of envelopes. On each envelope was a name, neatly written in Emma's familiar hand writing.

"Dean" Scott said, handing one to the hunter who had fallen in love.
"Sam" Scott announced, handing one to the boy who couldn't escape death.
"Stiles" Scott called, handing one to a boy who had lost his first, real love.
"Isaac" Scott repeated the name, handing one to the boy who had lost his only somebody.
"Derek" Scott handed a letter to the man who had learned to care again.
"Lydia" Scott muttered, handing one to the girl who had lost the best friend who had always seen the best in her, even when it was hard to see.
"Allison" Scott sighed, handing one to the girl who had been forgiven by her best friend, even when her mistake was nearly deadly.
"And me" Scott whispered, referring to the boy who had lost his best friend and guide in this scary, unforgiving world.

He placed the top back on the shoe box, sliding it back in the closet. Everyone settled into their spot, quietly ripping open their envelops, pulling out the pieces of paper. Everyone's heart ached as they pulled the creamy white paper out which was covered with their friends hand writing. No one talked, everyone too engrossed with reading what their friend had to say to them, what her last words to them were.

Dear Dean,
If you're reading this, I finally kicked the bucket. Please don't beat yourself up, it was destiny and there was nothing you or I could do about it. Know that I would do it all again if I had to: I died with no regrets. You and Sam were part of my family, and I love you. I mean that. You may be stubborn, snarky and sometimes a dick, but you were also one of the sweetest, most caring people I have ever known. I don't know what I would've done without you. I want you to go out there and kick the devil's ass: for me. I know you can. I know you're scared and you feel guilty for my death but you shouldn't. You're Dean Winchester, you know that? You are the most badass hunter and I have so much faith in you. Do you hear me Dean Winchester? You can do this. Go out there and finish this apocalypse. Just remember that I love you, and I will be watch over you.
Love yours truly,

Dear Sammy,
Thanks for being there for me. Ever since you almost tried to kill me and my pack, I knew you would always hear me out. And thank god you did. If you hadn't, I wouldn't have met two of my favorite people. I love you Sam Winchester, and I know you've been through a lot of crap that most people couldn't bear to suffer through. But you're strong. You're a hero. And I know you and your brother can stop the apocalypse and save the world. It may have taken me dyeing, but it will all be worth it. I just to thank you for being part of my family and giving your everything to try and save me. Don't feel bad I died, okay? I know you blame yourself for a lot, but don't blame yourself for this. I just want you to be happy Sammy. So one day, after this whole apocalypse thing blows over, I want you to fall in love. I want you to live your life and be happy. And don't worry, I'll always have your back. Be strong Sammy, I know you are.

Dear Stiles,
Oh Stiles, I'm so sorry. I should've been there for you more because I know how much you've suffered. I'm sorry we broke up and I'm sorry I didn't fight more to get you back. I've loved you from the moment I saw you and I will love you to the moment I die, and even after that. Because you're my true love. I love your warm brown eyes and I love your spastic little jerks. I love every part of you, even your quirks which have always made me smile. I wanted you to know that. And know that I'm gone, I have to ask a favor for you, move on. I know its hard and trust me, I'm going to miss you so much. But I want you to fall in love again. I want you to forget about me and find someone else who makes you happy: someone like Lydia. And I want you to watch out for Scott. I know you will because he is your best friend and you have always taken care of him. But I'm gone now and I can't look out for the pack anymore so I'm trusting you to. My strong, sweet Stiles. I'll love you, forever and always. I'll be watching over you.
I love you Stiles,

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