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"Emma?" I asked again taking a step closer. The room was silent as tension filled the air. Emma sat unresponsive, her eyes focused on the wall across from her. Her shoulders were slumped and her face blank. Large bags hung under her eyes and her usually bright eyes were dark, even the moon couldn't illuminate them.

"Dean be careful" Sam warned.

"Careful?" Scott asked, his voice offended. "Emma wouldn't hurt anyone, especially Dean" Scott defended her.

"No I know but she just moved something across the room without even blinking. Who knows what going on in her head" Sam explained himself. Scott was right though. I wasn't worried. Emma would never hurt anyone. I continued walking until I stood right in front of her. I crouched down until my eyes were level with hers. Still her face was blank, as if she was looking through me.

"Em?" I asked again, searching her eyes for something, some sign of life. "Emma answer me" I said, my hands on the side of her head, turning her face towards me. Her cheeks were ice cold. I searched her face again, hoping to find something. A glimmer of the girl I cared so much about.

"Guys? What's going on? Where's Jackson?" Lydia asked, the silence shattering. I nearly jumped at the sound of her shrill voice cutting through the silence.

"Jackson was with you" Allison said slowly, looking around at our faces hoping to find an explanation. I shook my head slowly, trying to recall the last time I saw the pretty boy.

"Maybe he-" Sam began before a shrill hiss rung through the air, sending chills down my spine. It was here. Sam immediately pulled out his gun, locking the bullet into place at which Lydia jumped at.

"Follow my lead" Scott said, grabbing Allison's hand and leaving the room. Sam followed, making sure Lydia was close behind him. She was the only oblivious human here and there was no way anyone was letting her get hurt.

"Stiles go with Scott" I told him as he was hesitant towards leaving. "I'll watch her" I clarified. Who knew if Emma could fend for herself. Stiles' eyes remained on Emma. "Stiles" I hissed. Finally, he snapped out of it. His facial expression hardened, trying to hide how weak and helpless he felt. He gave a short nod before exiting the room, running to catch up with Sam and the pack. So the kanima wasn't Lydia. I froze as I saw a dark figure pass my window. Emma's head moved ever so slightly towards the window.

"Em can you hear me?" I asked hopefully, the kanima now in the back of mind. "Please give me a sign" I begged, my hands holding her face again, trying to get her to focus and to snap back into reality. Her eyes darted towards mine, her brown irises meeting mine. This time as if she was really seeing me and understanding that I was there.

"Dean" Sam burst into the room. "Its Jackson" Sam announced, out of breath.

"What about Jackson?" I asked, my eyes flickering back to Emma's which seemed to have moved towards Sam.

"Its him. He's the kanima" Sam explained. I stood up, putting my gun away.

"You're telling me that ken doll is our lizard serial killer?" I snarked. Sam ignored my comment.

"It makes sense! I mean from what I gathered from Emma, he had always wanted the bite. He had always wanted to become a werewolf. Emma told me that she suspected the Derek gave Jackson the bite after he became alpha" Sam began to explain, his eyes bright with excitement as he pieced it all together. "She said he never shifted on the full moon. But maybe that's because he never became a werewolf"

"But didn't you say Derek tested him with the snake venom? That he was ruled out?" I asked, making sure that this boy was the one that was murdering people left and right. The one that murdered Emma's uncle.

"That's what I thought to but I was talking to Derek-"

"You talked to Derek?" I interrupted. I didn't trust the guy. Emma and him have a past and a weird relationship but lately even Emma seems to not trust him. Sam rolled him eyes, continuing his sentence and ignoring my comment.

"We don't think Jackson knows he's the kanima. I think the kanima and Jackson are two different things. The venom would work on Jackson because he isn't the snake when he's human" Sam explained. I sighed, running my hands over my face. Why were kids so damn anxious to throw their lives away? To become something that would lead to their death?

"So now what? We ice the kid?" I asked, checking my phone for any updates from Bobby on exactly how to ice him.

"We're not killing him" Scott said, stepping into the room. His face was tense and serious, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Oh so now you're eavesdropping? Real classy" I winked at him to which I earned an exaggerated eye roll. "And why wouldn't we kill him?" I asked, sitting down on the bed next to Emma. Her eyes seemed to be moving now from person to person.

"Because he's just a kid. And although he can be a jerk, he's my friend" Scott had to force the last word out as if saying it caused him physical discomfort.

"Scott he's killing people. He killed Emma's uncle" I reminded him, Emma tensing next to me. I looked at her, her sad brown eyes now trained on the floor.

"No Dean he isn't. The kanima part of him is. It's not him. He doesn't know what he's doing. Technically he is innocent" Scott pleaded this kids fate.

"Technically he is an idiot" I mocked under my breath.

"Dean, Scott has a point. Plus you really think Emma would go for this? Hell Emma wouldn't even let you take a shot at Isaac" Sam pointed out.

"Well that's because they have a past" Scott muttered, leaning against the wall. I raised my eyebrows, curious to, yet again, what the hell he was talking about. "Emma met him in the hospital last year. He was in because his father physically abused him and he was pretty beaten up. Emma talked to him and ended up healing him. Then he came to her school and although I'm not sure if he ever noticed, she always kept an eye on him" Scott explained.

"So you don't think he was going to kill her when we walked in here?" I asked Scott.

"No. Isaac's a good kid. He's just...confused. Being in Derek's pack and being new to this whole thing can be confusing. But he's good. I can see it. He would never hurt Emma. He was probably trying to get a reaction out of her, like you did" Scott explained. I let out a long sigh, resting my head in my hands.

"Now what?" I asked, feeling exhaustion creep into my head as plans and possible solutions began to flood my mind.

"Well Derek and his pack are long gone. They left when they realized Jackson was the kanima. I think I'll take Allison and Stiles home. We can find Jackson tomorrow" Scott explained, yawning. I couldn't help but see a teenager that got dealt a bad card.

"Why are we finding him?" I slurred, the sleep beginning to set in.

"Because Derek knows it's him. He is going to try and kill him the first chance he has" Scott pointed out. I nodded, rubbing my eyes. "Okay we'll regroup tomorrow. Goodnight Sam and Dean" Scott said, pausing for a moment. "Good night Em" he said, putting on a sad smile. Emma sat, reaction less. With a nod, Scott was gone.

I turned back to Emma, staring at her, trying to get a reaction. "I'm heading to bed. We'll call Bobby and update him first thing tomorrow" he yawned, leaving the room and heading towards his.

"Night Sam" I called after him. I lied Emma down, placing her head on the pillow. I pulled the covers out from under her, covering her with them. She looked up at me, her eyes glassy. It was if she was here, listening to me, understanding me but unable to react. "You to. Get some rest okay?" I told her, moving a strand of hair out of her face. I leaned down, kissing her forehead before turning off the light and heading towards my room.

As I lied down on the bed, my muscles relaxing into the down comforter, I found myself consumed with worry and grief. Their had to be something I hadn't thought of yet. Maybe I could call Cas. Maybe his angel powers could heal her. Maybe he could fix this. I had to try. I pushed myself off the bed, kneeling on the floor, my hands clasped together.

"I pray to thee Castiel.."

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