You Are What You Are

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I sat down on the steps, taking a deep breath. How could a father ever do that to his son? The image of the ice box was ingrained in my mind. The bloody scratches that marked the walls haunted me. I got chills just thinking about Isaac being locked inside. I think Scott however was planning on locking himself up in their for the full moon as he had not yet come out of the house yet.

My phone buzzed, Stiles' face popping up. I sighed, answering it. "Em hey, I know you don't want to talk to me right now but I need your help. Allison just told me a hunter just left her house dressed as a deputy, carrying a case with wolvesbayne engraved on it" Stiles spoke fast, trying to get all the information out before I could hang up on him.

"They're gonna kill him" I concluded. I blew out air, running my hands through my hair. "Are you heading down to the station?" I asked. Stiles paused for a moment, surprised I was responding.

"Yeah I'm already there" Stiles replied, the distant sound of his jeep turning off in the background.

"Okay I'm on my way" I said, standing up. My legs were aching along with every other part of my body. I was exhausted. But my pack needed me to keep going. "Oh and Stiles?" I heard his breathing pause on the other end. "Be careful" I told him before hanging up and getting into my car.


I ran into the police station, everything eerily quiet. I remembered the holding cells were in the back. I immediately took off running, my heels clicking on the tile floor as I ran. I heard the sound of metal breaking as I approached the holding room and a very human gasp. I ran harder, bursting into the room.

"Isaac!" I shouted, catching the wolf's attention. Stiles held his arms over his head as he curled up against the wall, ducking from the werewolf that loomed over him. The hunter was unconscious on the floor. Isaac turned towards me, a loud snarl escaping his fangs. Stiles looked up, his eyes going wide as he parted me.

"Emma" he warned, worry consuming him. I spotted a poland springs water jug in the corner of the room. That would have to do. I held out my hand, closing my eyes, focusing my energy. I watched as the jug began to rattle and soon the water came flowing out of it and towards me. I clenched my fist before it hit me, creating a shield of water. I brought my hand down diagonally, taking a step forward. The water moved with me, cutting Isaac's arm. I kept taking steps forward, the water moving with me as I brought it down on Isaac again and again until he was curled up against the wall whimpering.

"Emma move-" Derek began to order as he entered the room. I jumped, startled by his presence. I turned around sharply, narrowly missing Derek, slicing the wooden desk in half, Stiles' arms returning over his head for protection and Derek lurching to the side. Derek and Stiles starred eyes wide at what I had done. I had cut clean through the desk. I immediately let go, the water falling to a puddle on the ground.

"Oh my god" I muttered, backing away slowly. I didn't know I had that much strength. If that had been Stiles I could've-I could've killed him. I felt my stomach lurch at the thought. This is what my mother meant. I was too powerful. I couldn't control it. I would end up killing someone.

"Emma" Stiles said, standing up slowly. "Its okay" he said calmly, as if he knew I was panicking internally.

"You were right Stiles" I whispered, the guilt and fear becoming overwhelming. "It was my fault. But my mom was also right. I'm a monster. I'm going to end up killing someone" I shook, staring down at my hands. I looked over at Isaac who had cuts up and down his arms from where I had slashed him. They weren't deep and with his werewolf strength they would heal quickly. But that wasn't what mattered. I hurt someone. Someone innocent. And I could have killed someone else.

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