The Good and the Bad News

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"Emma!" I called, slamming the door to the car shut. Sam stumbled out of the car, barely able to keep his balance as he was still a little affected by the venom. Scott helped Stiles out of the car as Stiles was still paralyzed from the hip down. The police cruiser pulled up behind us, Sheriff, Melissa and Derek emerging. We had tracked Emma to here, but that's where it ended. 

"Emma!" Scott called, our eyes scanning the horizon. We stood on the shore of a river which had a bridge arching over it. I pressed my hand to my chest, trying to stop my heart from beating so hard against my rib cage. 

"Emma!" I shouted loudly, my hand still clamped over my shoulder. Melissa had insisted that we patch it up but I knew that we need to find Emma fast. 

"Dean" I heard a faint voice call. I squinted as the sun was setting leaving shadows across the landscapes, the only light a dull pink color that remained in the sky. "I'm here" she called weakly. My eyes landed on a rock with a figure gripping onto it. Emma was in the river. 

"I'm going to get her" I said, dropping my phone and gun on the ground. 

"Dean your shoulder" Melissa argued, the nurse in her having a fit with this open wound. 

"Doesn't matter" I responded before running and diving into the water. I gasped as cold water surrounded me. I hadn't accounted for how cold the water would be considering it wasn't summer. I resurfaced, gasping for air as it felt like my limbs were going numb due to the cold temperature. I let go of my shoulder, the cool water stinging the wound.

I looked around, spotting the rock. I extend my arm, my hand pushing through the water and propelling my body forward. I groaned as I did the same on the other side, the gun shot wound making it painful. But I had to do it. Again and again I swam forward, luckily the current was with me as apposed to being against me. I swam closer and closer, ignoring the growing pain in my shoulder until finally the gap between me and her was closed.

I grabbed onto the rock, catching my breath. Emma lay, hands gripped onto the edge, her head resting against the rock. Her eyes were closed, her breathing slow. "Emma, hey, I'm here" I said, reaching out and placing my hand on her freezing cold shoulder. Her eyes snapped open, her body jolting as if startled. "Its okay, its okay" I said, Emma calming down immediately. 

Emma smiled, laughing a bit. "I'm not dead" she smiled, closing her eyes again. I reached forward, moving her wet hair off of her neck. The mark was less then an inch away from her ear. Next time she used her powers, she'd be dead. I bit my lip, closing my eyes as I was hit with a wave of devastation. "Matt's dead" Emma breathed, not opening her eyes. I glanced back over my shoulder, spotting Sheriff and Melissa pointing at something in the water. 

"What? How?" I asked, turning back to Emma. 

"Gerarde drowned him. He controls the Kanima now" Emma sighed, her face pale and her lips purple. She shook, freezing cold. "Gerarde saw that I was weak and pushed me over the bridge, hoping I would drown" Emma explained, her words shaking as her teeth clattered against each other. 

"Lets get you home and rested okay?" I asked, my hand on her arm. She mumbled something that sounded like okay. I pulled her off the rock, throwing her arms around my neck, her body pressed against my back. "Just hang on alright?" I asked, her face pressed against my back. 

"Okay Dean" she replied in a sleepy voice. That wasn't a good sign. I swam forward, biting down on my lip as pain spread down my arm, eventually tasting blood. I kept swimming, kicking my legs and swinging my arms forward over and over until we came closer to the shore. 

"Here hand her to me" Scott reached out, grabbing Emma under the arms and pulling her onto the shore. Sheriff reached out, grabbing my hand and helping me onto the shore. I laid on the ground, catching my breath. "Oh my god she's freezing" Scott commented. 

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