Nothing Cheers You Up Like A Gay Club

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I woke up to a scream. Emma's scream. I sprung up, throwing the covers off of me. As soon as my feet hit the floor I began running. I pushed open my door, running into the hallway. I turned, pushing into Emma's room. It was dark, the only light being the moonlight streaming through the windows. Emma sat up, pressed against the headboard, her eyes wide with fear. A figure stood over her, staring down. "Hey!" I shouted, catching the figure's attention.

I let out a sigh of relief as soon as he turned around. "Why did she scream?" Cas asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I walked forward, moving him out of the way. Emma reached out, grabbing onto my arm. At least she was more responsive than she was before. Her breathing was hard, her face panicked.

"Hey, hey its okay" I soothed, squeezing her hand. "This is Cas" I introduced her while sending Cas a scolding glance. "He's the angel I was telling you about" I explained. Her panicked gripped lightened a bit, and her breathing slowed. Her eyes narrowed as she focused on him, studying him. "Cas you can't just appear like that" I scolded.

"I was just doing what you asked Dean" Cas defended himself. Sometimes he takes things way too literally. "I heard your prayer and I came as fast as I could." Cas explained.

"Thanks" I responded, glancing back at Emma who seemed to be more curious now than scared. "So Cas this is Emma" I explained. Cas nodded slowly, taking a step closer. He reached out, his fingers touching the mark that was on Emma's neck. Emma tensed, again squeezing my arm.

"I think the last time I saw a Vodanessa was when they were first created" Cas mused as he examined her. He pursed his lips as he thought. "I see she is very far along" he commented.

"Yeah I was wondering if you could do anything about that" I scratched the back of my neck. Cas tilted his head, confusion again appearing on his face.

"But Dean, she is not human" Cas stated the obvious. I rolled my eyes, letting out a frustrated sigh.

"And?" I asked.

"Well you usually kill those not human" Cas pointed out.

"Its different this time. Emma and her friends, they're different. I wouldn't have called you here if we didn't really need your help" I asked again. Cas thought for a moment.

"There's no cure" he finally said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Cas you've got to be joking" I said, standing up. Cas shook his head.

"Sorry Dean. I am not telling a joke" Cas responded. "It is a shame. Emma has a very clean, pure soul. I can feel it. Very powerful" Cas commented. I groaned, wishing he was more helpful.

"Cas can I talk to you outside for a second?" I asked, grabbing Cas's arm, dragging him out of the room. I closed the door behind me, leaving Cas and I alone in the hallway. "Cas there has got to be something. Some spell, some trick to beat this. You said it yourself, Emma Wailes has a clean soul and good heart. You can't just-"

"Emma Wailes?" Cas asked. I nodded slowly, confused as to why that was so shocking to him. "Emma Wailes" he repeated again.

"Yes Cas?" I asked as I watched the wheels in his head turn and piece things together.

"Emma Wailes" he muttered to himself. "Yes Emma Wailes. I know that name" he finally concluded.

"What the hell do you mean you know her name?" I asked, the curiosity eating away inside me. "Don't you know everyone's name?" I asked. Cas shook his head slowly.

"Well yes but not like this one. It-its engraved in my brain. Much like yours was when I knew I had to pull you from perdition" Cas explained.

"So you're saying her name is bolded in God's book of names?" I asked. Cas nodded.

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