Well that went well

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Three hours later, my uncle and I were riding home from the hospital. My uncle was already done questioning me on what happened, what I was doing in the school at night, what exactly attacked me, and if I was insane. I told him the truth. Right now, its looking as if I am not going to have freedom for quite a while. My whole body ached with exhaustion, not to mention how loopy I was. I was on at least four different kinds of painkillers. They had stitched up the cut on my face, and stitched the three slash marks on my leg which had apparently gone very deep into my muscle. Glorious isn't it?

To make everything worse, I haven't talked to Stiles, or one of my friends. My phone was taken away by my uncle. He claimed that "the connection to the outside world might encourage you to leave the house when all you should be doing is resting". I had been told everyone was at the sheriff's station being questioned on exactly what happened. Scott was probably feeding everyone lies that it was Derek that had done it. 

Another stab in the gut. Derek was....dead. Derek dead. Two words that I never thought would make me sick to my stomach and my heart ache. I had never admitted it but I liked the guy. He was quiet frankly creepy and sometimes a little harsh but how can you blame him? His family was burned to death in a fire which was set by his ex girlfriend. I would be pissy to if that happened to me. But he was dead, and I wished he wasn't.

And then there was the alpha's warning. On reflection, I suppose Scott's pack is our school cliche, or all of us trapped in the school. That roar was probably an attempt to control him (which I read that alphas could do). He wasn't shifted when I was out there, so I guess he managed to fight it off. I began to have a headache as I thought everything over. So much was happening and I was hurt and alone. I wanted to see Stiles. The picture of his face as I was carted off remained burned in my mind. I needed to see him. Comfort him. Show him that I am okay. 

My uncle stopped the car as it pulled into our garage. I sighed, getting out of the car, lifting myself onto my crutches. Slowly but surely, I made my way into the house. I crutched my way through the house, until I reached the bottom of my stair case. I sighed, wishing my life was easier. I was so tired. My uncle stood behind me. "Piggy back?" he asked. I nodded, a small smile on my face. If I hated anything, it was being helpless. Not being able to do something for myself. I guess I would let it slide this one time. 

My uncle dropped me off in my room, saying he was going to go down stairs and watch a little tv before bed. I nodded, flopping back onto my bed. It felt so damn good. I let my muscles relic into the soft comforter. To think, just three hours or so ago, I was covered in blood, almost dead. I chuckled. Life was a funny thing. I covered myself in a blanket, having a sudden chill. I closed my eyes, waiting for sleep to come. It didn't. I was so tired, but I felt wrong. I missed Stiles. I needed to see him, but obviously it wasn't going to happen. I scrunched my eyes shut, trying to tell my brain to go to sleep. Again nothing. I sighed, rolling onto my side. I stared at my wall, waiting for sleep to come. I waited. And waited. And waited. I sighed. This was going to take longer than I thought.

I heard my door creak open. I didn't even bother looking up. "Uncle Brian I told you I'm not hungry" I grumbled. I had felt my eye twitch a few seconds ago. I think I am a little closer to sleep. I heard a chuckle. I turned, a smile appearing on my face. Stiles stood in my doorway. 

"I am so glad you're here" I sighed a breath of relief. I held my arms out, Stiles walking forward quickly, into them. I pulled him into a hug, wrapping my arms around his back. He practically laid on top of me. He nuzzled his face into my neck, warming me instantly. We didn't say anything for a while, just hugged. Finally he laid down, his head resting on my chest. I rested my cheek on the top of his head, my arms wrapped around him. "I love you" I whispered. Stiles smiled.

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