Dancing yay note my sarcasm (Percy)

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Our lessons had been replaced with dancing. I don't know why yet.

"Class, the tri wizard tournament has a dance called the Yule ball." McGonagall said. "Champions must have a partner" 

I let out a groan at the last bit.

"Do you have something to say" Our teacher said.

"I don't want to do dancing lessons" I said.

"So you believe you are to good to learn how to dance" She said.

"I already know how" 

"Then show me"

she grabbed my hands. I adjusted my hand and we started slow dancing. After a few minutes I said

"Shall I do some tricks or can I stop?" I said.

"You may stop" She said angrily. I walked out of the classroom. "20 points from Hufflepuff" She called.

"I don't care" I replied as I turned down the halls. I really needed a place to train sword fighting. A door appeared in front of me. I opened it nervously only to find a perfect arena. There was a dummy and everything. I smiled before closing the door. I drew Riptide and started to train. I worked on different maneuvers. After a few hours I walked out smirking.

As I walked down the halls a girl rushed up to me. She looked 15.

"Hey do you wanna go to the ball together?" She asked nervously. She had brown bushy hair and blue eyes.

"I am really sorry but I have a girlfriend" I said.

"Is it Ginny or Hermione?" She said tears welling in her eyes.

"No its a girl called Annabeth, she lives in America, I have known her since we were 12"

"I-I-I see" She said.

"Don't worry, you will find someone better than me" I said reassuringly.

"Better then you?"

"Of course I am not that good or cool" 

She flashed me a smile as she walked down the halls. I continued to walk down as another girl asked me.

"Hey you, me ball pick me up from Ravenclaw tower 7" She said, she started to walk away.

"Sorry I don't like you" I said.


"I like somebody else, sorry" I said. She ran off. "Again really" I muttered.


"I like somebody else, sorry"

The words played out in my head. Does he like me! Maybe? I don't know. As I watched him walk down the halls I saw girls asking him out left and right. He turned them all down. I was starting to really believe he liked me. Maybe he will ask me out. Hopefully.



As I walked down the halls a girl approached me.

"Hi um, I'm Romilda Vane, my parents gave me these chocolates but I don't like them, do you want them"



"Fine" I said before popping one in my mouth. It tasted like Annabeth, weird. Her face suddenly sprung through my head and I started to think about my Wise Girl. I though about every reason I loved her.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now