I go shopping on a diagonal street (Percy)

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We apparated to the ally. 

"Please tell me that we traveled diagonally to get here" I said. Ginny giggled. When I looked at her she turned red and turned away. Weird, I looked around at the shops, as we walked to Flourish and Blotts. I had to buy all the books going to the 7th year. I was really glad that evil grandad number 2 was loaded. I then went to the pet shop. The owls were  in a frenzy and were trying to attack me. I ended up walking out the shop with a black cat. I called her Pearl as she had big white eyes that looked like pearls. She was a small kitten. She laid in a ball on top of my head. Her head poked out as she gazed at the streets. Her eyes were scanning everyone as if studying them. She reminded me of someone.

As we walked into the cauldron shop I accidently bumped into someone.  He had blonde hair and gray eyes. They were a murky gray, unlike Annabeth's,


"oh its fine" he said, he looked nervous when he saw the Weasley's.

"What's your name" I asked.

"Draco Malfoy, though I mostly get called Malfoy."

"well then Drake, I'm Percy Jackson" I said.

He looked annoyed at the nickname, but it disappeared in an instant.

"You okay" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess its just weird having someone call me by my first name, especially if it is a nickname." He replied.

"Oy Malfoy talking to death eater scum, maybe your still one of them." Harry yelled. Ron was staring at me with disgust. Hermione and Ginny looked at him warily.

"Death eater scum?" He asked.

"Yeah, his grandpops is Voldemort" Harry announced to Diagon Ally.

"And, I heard Sirius's family were evil, yet you treat him like a human being." I spat at Harry. I towered over him. He was just realizing how much taller I was. His eyes were filled with fear.


Percy was towering over Harry. He then turned around and grabbed my arm.

"Were are you going dear" Mrs. Weasley said. She had just arrived.

"To talk to my friend" He replied before we walked into the cauldron shop.

"So why do they hate you."

I told him about what my family was like. How my father had always hated me and I had grown up in a prejudice household.  This lead me to carry out those views. I told him about how I had turned but was now trying to make up for what my family had done.

"I see, well I want to be your friend" He finished.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause you show remorse" He responded before walking out of the shop with his cauldron. I had half expected him to say something like, cause I hate Potter and muggles should be exterminated. 

Wait, he was American. I recognized the accent. I just stood their thinking before my mother grabbed me and pulled me out of the shop.


Everybody hates me. Eh what's new. As I walked into my room I was glared at by Sirius. The only people that treated me like a normal human being were Ginny, Hermione, Mrs. Weasley and Dumbledore. I cant figure it out with Tonks and Lupin. I get the feeling their neutral.

"So what's life like in America." Ginny asked.

"Well I go to this summer camp every year since I was 12. It is great, my best friend Annabeth goes there."

"What's she like" Hermione asked. Unlike Ginny her face didnt turn red whenever I looked at her. I guess Ginny is just weird. 

"Well she has curly honey blonde hair. She is tanned and has grey eyes. She is tall but not as tall as me. She is really smart and loves Architecture. Like whenever she talks about it her eyes light up. I am learning a bit about Architecture from her endless rants but to be honest, I zone of in them." I told them. Hermione smiled when I described her. Ginny looked slightly upset but I didnt pay attention.

"She sounds incredible" Hermione said.

"She really is" I replied dreamily as I thought about her.

"I have to go" Ginny said before storming out of my room.

I started to read the magic books and practicing spells. With Hermione's help I had gotten through year 1. We got called down for dinner. I ate as fast as i could before cleaning up my plate. I ran into my room. I iris messaged Annabeth.

"Hey Wise girl" I said. She was wearing a white tank to with black stripes. She had a denim jacket tied around her waist. She had jeans on and was sitting on her bed reading. She looked up when I greeted her.

"Hey seaweed brain" She replied smiling.

"So what you reading?" I asked. I couldn't see the front cover.

"Your mums novel, Its really good."

"I know" I responded, her mouth hung open.

"You read it" She asked

"Obviously, she is my mum, I had to put in some effort." I said.

"So what happened today" she asked. I told her about Diagon alley. As I told her about the spells I had learned I heard someone come up the stairs.

"Bye Beth, Love you" I said. Her face was filled with anger

"I told you to not call-" I wiped my hand through the mist and the door opened. 

"Hey Hermione" I said.

"Hey, wanna go through as much of year 2 as possible."

"Sure" I said. We began to work. After 3 hours Hermione fell asleep. I picked her up and put her in her room. I put her on her bed and but a blanket on her. I then walked back into my room and continued to study. I had gotten through year 4 by the time the sun came up.

I was tired but happy. I had been productive and avoided nightmares. Due to the books being in Greek it was much easier. my dyslexia still had slip ups but it was a lot less worse. I had been learning as much history of magic as possible to be up to date on what had happened. I also had been learning as many charms and jinxes. I had a feeling it wasnt normal to have a sword. As I kept learning I felt my arms drop. 

The eights I had been lifting had fell. My arms were tired but I pushed through it. If I had survived tar-tar the pit then I could keep lifting. I grabbed the weights with new found energy and kept lifting. After an hour, I headed downstairs. I was given odd stares.

"Can someone tell me why your all staring."

"Uhh, you look like shit, and you carried Hermione to her room." Lupin said.

"She was helping me study and fell asleep, And I pulled an all-nighter"

"ahh, how far are you"

"Half way through year 5" I replied. He looked shocked but then asked.

"I taught defense against the dark for one year." He said

"ahh sure, I'll show you what I've learnt."

I showed him all of the spells I knew. When I did the water charm he looked shocked. He told me he had never seen anybody have so much control of the water. I kept silent. 

Everyone kept giving me evil glares for the rest of the day. This was going to be a long week.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now