They arrive (Percy)

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It had been a week. I guess I have gotten used to the school. I can find lessons and I'm close to the top of each class. But im at the top in potions. Apparently being a  son of Poseidon helps me out in that lesson. I had gone to the infirmary twice. Apparently I need to eat more. No shit.

When I looked out to the lake I saw a boat rise out of it. Students swarmed it. I looked at the boat. It was well designed, not as good as the Argo II but still Goode. As the students flocked out I realized they were all 7th years/8th years. A lot of schools had had to cancel a year. 

Dumbledore strode out and greeted the headmaster. The headmaster was apparently a guy called Viktor Krum. As the students went inside a carriage pulled by Pegasi. when the students flocked out. The headmaster was taller than Hagrid. The students were also 7th and 8th years. 


When the students arrived we sat down in the hall. Dumbledore had his speech about the 3 schools. I zoned out. When they took out the goblet of fire we all went to sleep. The next day I went up to it and put my name in. It was obvious I would be Hogwarts champion. 


When I finished of my lessons I walked back to my common room. 

"Hey Dale"

"Hi" He signed.

"How was your day?" I asked

"Fine, you?" He signed.


"You gonna do the tri wizard tournament



"Yeah do it mate" Aaron joined in. "Your fucking ripped and a great wizard"

"Fine, I'll put my name in."

I walked up to the cup and popped my name in. When I walked back I was given a few cheers. 

"You might get picked"

"sure" I said sarcastically. After a while we all said good night and went to sleep. I stayed up and talked to Annabeth. She scolded me for putting my name in but we made up after a while.

"Night Wise Girl"

"Good night Seaweed brain" She wiped her hand through the connection. I went to sleep after that. 

5 weeks later

The announcement was ready. the cup shot out the first name. Alban Desly's. He was from the French school. He had blonde hair and yellow eyes that resembled a cats. He was tall and lanky. He walked out of the hall. The next name came out. Inna Lebedev. She was short and stocky. She had black hair and black eyes. She had an aggressive expression on her face permanently. Finally it was time for our champion. The note fluttered out and Dumbledore caught it

"Percy Jackson" He shouted. I was shocked. I stood up and walked out of the hall and joined my competitors. We talked for a while until the teachers came into our room. We were explained that the first task would happen in a month.

As I walked down the halls I was flocked by students. They were congratulating me. Harry looked at me like he wanted me dead. I shrugged it of, his glares were pathetic. A girl came up to me. She was from the French school.

"Hello would you like to go out sometime" She purred in a French accent. She placed a hand on my chest.

"Sorry but I'm not interested" I stammered before walking away. Her face was filled with shock. I made my way back to the common room were a party was in full swing. We drank and ate all night. Butterbeer was incredible. At around 4 am most of us were passed out. I walked back to my room and layed down on the bed. I guess this is going to be another year of almost dying. I closed my eyes and drifted of to sleep.

Sorry for the shitty chapter I just didnt know how to write this bit. I will try and make the next chapters better, as this was one of the worst things I have ever written, sorry again.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now