100 to one (PERCY)

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I stepped out onto the large field with the other champions. They were all nervous and I would be lying if I said I wasn't. as easy as the last task had been, I got the feeling this was going to be more difficult.

"The challenge is simple, in that arena there we will let in a certain amount of monsters. Its your job to kill as many as you can. You will decide at the beginning how many you would like to go against. We will be judging you on how many you pick, how well you combat these creatures and how much you know about these monsters. As the monsters will be random just picking one may mean you go against the strongest. There are 100 monsters, pick however many you want to face, we recommend around 5" The announcer called.

"Percy will be going first as he has the most points" The announcer yelled. I nodded, this was going to be easy. Whoever went first won.

"I will go against all of them" I yelled. Everyone was shocked. The announcer nodded, his face filled with shock. I walked over to the arena and all the monsters spilled out into the arena. I took out riptide and pretended to enchant it to become a sword.

"Fun" I said before dashing forwards. I sliced through the first monster and ducked to get out of the way of another's claws. With my wand I sent it flying backwards. It was sent into another monster and they both toppled over. I lunged forwards and dug riptide into the gut of a dracaena. He let out a gasp before crumbling. 

I slashed and parried through the ranks of monsters, I used water but pretended it was my wand doing the work. I had learned a pattern. Kill one, get away form them all, send a wave of water and then repeat the pattern. It was going well for a while and after a few minutes there was 5 monsters left.

"Beefy boy, how many times am I going to have to kill you?" I asked. The minotaur roared and charged forwards. I sidestepped and cut of one of his legs. He fell over and I brought down my blade.

"Looks like it may take a few more times" I muttered. The remaining monsters charged at me but I just raised an eyebrow. I stunned 2 of them and dashed forwards and the other one, where was the fourth monster? I finished of the other monster and threw riptide into the stunned monsters.

"One more to go" I yelled. As I said this I felt a presence behind me and I swung my fist. My fist hit nothing and I saw mist. The mist then solidified and struck me. I stumbled backwards before smirking.  It dashed at me and I was ready. I pretended to punch so it mistified and went behind me. As it solidified I kicked it and it was sent tumbling. It charged at me, unable to realize that riptide had returned. It ran straight into the blade. It let out a gasp and dissipated. I looked at the crowd to see a wave of silent students. After a second all of the Hogwarts students started to cheer. All the judges looked perplexed before holding up all tens.

I turned around and walked back to the tent. Inside was madam Pomfrey. She fussed over me but I wasn't that injured. It was nothing like the pit.

"Percy!" Annabeth yelled and pulled me into a hug. I smiled and gave her a quick peck. "You Seaweed brain, why on earth would you do that"

"I dunno, your the smart one Wise Girl" I replied before wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her into a passionate kiss. We broke apart after a few seconds. I glanced back at the crowd, I got the feeling I had a few more fans.


Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now