I get interviewed (Percy)

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I was sat down in a defense against the dark arts lesson when Dale rushed in.

"What is it" Sirius asked. Dale passed him a note.

"Percy, get up its the weighing of the wands ceremony."

I followed Dale. Dale was probably more nervous than me. When I walked into the room my eyes were greeted by fellow contestant's.

"Ahh no that everyone is here lets get started" Olivander said, rubbing his hands together. "Alban" 

Alban walked up and took out his wand. He passed it over. Olivander murmed a few things before handing it back. He then called up Inna. He once again repeated the process. When he called up me and took the wand his eyes widened.

"Coral, Strange very strange"

"What's strange about it?" I asked

"Well Perseus, wands without wood are exceptionally rare."

"Percy" I corrected.

"Where did  you get it"

"An American wand maker, cant remember the name"

"Curious, well here" He handed it back. I felt calm when it returned to my hand. Then a woman strode in. 

"Hello there I am Rita Skeeter and I will interview you 3" She said. She pointed her finger at Inna and they strode of into the next room. After a few minutes she came back an pointed her long finger at me. I followed her into the next room.

"So Percy, how do you feel about being in the tournament"

"I don't really know"

"What made you want to compete, fame, love, family?" She asked. Her quill was scribbling down things. Magic could make something write for you, epic. 

"It was a dare done by a friend"

"Really, that's it?"

"Yep" I watched as her quill scribbled out something way to long to be my answer.

"Well what has Hogwarts been like for you, you are a transfer student after all."

"Its fine, big but cozy at the same time."

"What is your favorite thing about the school" 

I started to tap my leg, dam ADHD.

"The lake, I love water"

"Really?" she sounded shocked.

"Yeah, the giant squid is epic. its tentacles are super long and ..." I talked about all the sea life, she looked especially bored but I didnt care

"So do you have any friends here" she cut me of.

"Yeah Dale, Hermione, Jemma and Aaron."

"Hermione, do you like her"

"No, I am in a committed relationship"

"you know you can tell the truth right"

"I am"

"are you sure?"

I strode out of the room, when she tried to stop me I glared at her. She whimpered in fear and backed away. As I joined the other contestants I warned Alban about her. He nodded before being taken away. When he came back we all left.


I walked into the interview room. Rita Skeeter saw me and looked shocked.

"Why are you in here"

"I have some info on Percy that would be great for you"

"What kind of info"

"Oh just normal stuff, like how is grandfather is Voldemort" 

She spluttered as her quill wrote the new information. Great, now everybody will realize he just tricked the goblet, be ready Percy, you will be out of here before you know it.

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