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luna's pov

It's been two weeks since everything my heart has been carrying for ages, vanished. Two weeks ago was also the last time I ever saw him again after bringing him to his mother cemetery. We sorted out and decided to move on. 

I turned on the television and coincidentally was on the k-pop channel. He must've completely moved on to see such bright smile on his face while talking and laughing with the other celebrities. 

I quickly turned off the television and was stopped by Katie who was eating while reading a book beside me then recited something from her book "...People call it fate when coincidences kept happening" 

She said while she snatched the remote away from me and turned it on once again. "Don't waste the electricity. It's expensive... anyway, I'm off" I stood up while opening my apron and folded it to placed it on the high stool.

7.27 pm

I grabbed my handbag and smile at Katie who was still munching on the counter. It starts to feel so heavy every time I leave the store. I walked straight to the cafe to meet someone. I went in the cafe and look around to find her, my ex colleague I used to worked with at a cafe. 

"Luna-ah. I'm here" I heard her voice, and walked straight to her. I sat down and we both ordered a cup of coffee. We started talking about our daily life and she continued, "So, about that. Are you sure about it?" She asked, calmly. 

She knew how much I rejected her offer multiple of times but I nod, replying "Yes. I...I've thought about it and..." I stopped and look at my cup, having an uneasy heart. "and I've decided that I'll work at the museum. It's my dream to work there" I eagerly said it quick and force a smile. She smile and held my hand. 

"It must've been a hard time for you deciding. Your decision will pay off, and I believe life is a process of dreaming. It isn't important what your dreams are, and it isn't important if you're not able to make it come true, Luna..." She continued, but all I can do is to look away from hiding my sorrowful face.

"For now, just prepare yourself and don't worry too much. I'll see you in a month time" She stood up and pat my head before leaving me alone. I wiped my face and bite my nails while looking outside the glass window.

I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what's on my mind and what's happening to me. My heart is in a complete mess. 

I grab my bag and walked out and walk to the store. "Oh? Luna!" I heard my name called from behind me and I turned to see Dr Jay waving to me. I look around and realized his office is nearby. 

"How have you been doing?" I smile, tiptoeing to pat his hair. "Who's the doctor now?" He laughed and we walk slowly while talking. "You haven't visit me in ages! Things must've been well, right?" He asked and I looked at him before replying. 

"My life literally fall apart from the moment I last met you" I stated and we continue chatting about everything till I reach my store. "Thanks for the talk" I said before he waved and left. 

I entered the store and saw Katie who was still munching from the moment I got out and came back from the store. I snatched the chips from her and she sighed. "I heard someone told me she's dieting from today onwards, but I don't even think so she did" 

I faced Katie and she grab the chips back. "I am! But not today, it's tomorrow" She winked and I went to put my bag on the counter top. My hand accidentally hit a glass vase and I slowly move my head to see. 

It's the yellow tulips I kept from that day. The tulips were extremely beautiful that I decided to kept it instead. Thunder then sounded out of the blue and it started pouring heavily before I could even blink. Katie rushed to the door and close it. 

"Katie... I've decided" I started quickly as I can't hold it in anymore. She walked towards the counter and replied, "But... but why? We..." She didn't sound happy about my decision. "Because... my heart told me to do it. Because I want to do it" I replied to her without hesitation but she just walked away, gloomy about what I promised her to.

I just stare outside of the store, that was occupied with heavy raindrops dashing out from the sky. I held the clear vase and place it back to it's place. "I'll go first" Katie took her bag and went out, without looking at me then followed by Heri, who was bowing goodbye to me. 

Before I could tell them to stay for a bit till the weather is better, they disappeared in the outside rain that I turned off the entire store lights and went upstairs to adjust the ceramic mugs my students made yesterday. I sat on a stool, while mesmerizing the peace and sound of raindrops outside.

I stood up to go down to lock the entrance door but was stopped with someone force against me. The store is completely dark but I knew it's no one other then him. He gripped my waist with his drenched self while burying his face on my chest. 

"I miss you, mommy. I need you here with me" He said in a low voice for himself. I heard his sniffs and knew that he has been crying. I sat myself on the couch so he could continue crying without standing. 

"I-I really want to see you" He mumbled with his eyes still close. After a few minutes, I realized he fell asleep once again, while still gripping me. I slowly adjust his head to the couch but he fidgets his head and land it on my shoulder, not removing his grip away from my waist. I give in and combed his hair with my fingers then continue patting his back. He's a total baby.

5 am

I slowly shift my position to adjust my comfortability. I caressed his hair once again before removing him away from me. I went downstairs and realized I didn't lock the store door. That was a matter of luck. I untie my hair and combed it with my fingers. I made a cup of tea and brought it up. The sun is about to rise and he still hasn't wake up yet. 

He's a celebrity and being here would totally make people misunderstand the situation we're in. I sat beside him and try as many ways to wake him up but he's probably too tired to even flinch. 

He finally opened his eyes and look around before facing me. "I'm sorry about last night... I miss my mom so much" He covered his face, to hide his downhearted face. "And... I don't know why. I don't know why your comfort feels just like her, and because of that... I can't stand it" He said, still covering his face. 

I couldn't say anything but to just sit there, clueless about what to do. I stood up and he quickly pulled me to his chest. I could feel him, trying to smile. "My mommy must've loved you so much"

Everything went completely silent afterwards but I just stood there, while he slowly sniffed after those tears. I'm doing this for the sake of the promise I kept with his mother. I was only his replacement. A replacement for his mother who he didn't know left years ago. I was only told to search for him for the purpose, which we will then be nothing once again after his feelings get sorted out.

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