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back to luna's pov

A week later

I open my eyes to see a hand wrapping against my shoulder while holding a manga book with with the other hand. My head was leaning on his chest. My entire body was filled with his blanket. I look up and his chin is facing me. He felt my head move and face me. "Hey baby, good morning" He said in his soft but energetic voice that made me smile. He pushed my head back to his chest and continue reading his manga. "Let me finish this few more page, ok?" i nod, and placed my palm on his body, which he surprisingly had long sleeve on and join him reading his manga too.

He end the last few page and close the book. He put it away and caressed my hair and leave a forehead kiss. "I made you breakfast just now. Go and wash up and I'll wait for you outside" he said before removing me from his embrace. I watched him closed the door after leaving that made me smile heartedly. I'm so lucky to have met him.

I cleaned myself up and put on one of his oversized shirt. I walked out from his room to see him opening his arm for me. I hugged him and it lasted for a bit. "Let's eat" he held my hands and brought me to the dining table. "I thought you packed everything?" I asked before taking a bite of the pancakes. "I bought the precooked one this morning" he grinned, looking at me taking a bite. "Woahhh... you woke up so early without telling me?" He chuckled and we continue eating and chatting. After our meal, he dressed up while i waited for him in the living room. He came out wearing a black simple plain tee with a ripped jeans while holding a huge bouquet of chrysanthemums followed with a beige paper bag.

"Happy early Valentines day, love" He hugged me and kissed my lips. This made me realised that valentines day is actually on the day he's leaving. I embraced him tighter and tighter. "I don't want you to go, please... please I don't want you to leave" my voice started changing the atmosphere and he dropped both the flowers and paper bag on the ground and hugged me tightly. "So do I. I never want to leave you but i have to. I have to go... but i'll come back quick, real quick. So now, don't worry about me, please. It'll break my heart if you kept thinking and worrying about me that you don't even have time to look at yourself. I love you. Now, don't cry" he kissed my forehead, then repeatedly pat my back. I cried and cried, doing the best I can.

time skip

We're off to work since it's Saturday. It's his last day here and I would want to make it as memorable as I can. About 5pm, a couple asked for their portraits to be done. I accepted their request right away because they're absolutely wholesome. They wanted their portraits to be in acrylic so I did as I was told. It lasted for a bit and Hiroki came to us with three cups of hot tea. He greeted the couple while three of us took a short break to drink. He kissed my temple and leave afterwards. "You guys really look good together" I smiled hearing the lady of the couple speak. Hearing that makes my heart dropped, realising how much I'm going to lose after he leave. While i was ending up with my initial on the right bottom, a customer came across my mind.

It was the one who I did charcoal for his portrait. When I think about it, he was the first person I ever charcoal portrayed in my life. "Are you both ready to see?" I asked and they both let a huge bright smile. I turned my easel for them to see. They both were such in aw-ed that made my heart feel so good. "I'll place this portrait on the counter. Meanwhile, feel free to walk around!" I said, standing up. "I really love this kind of mug. Do you know where i can get this?" i looked at the mug they were talking about, surprised. It's the mug where both Hiroki and I made with pottery. "Ah, of course! I make them. It's on the shelves near the counter. i have new ones too, that'll be at the last two columns nearby the staircase" they both thanked me and walked towards the shelves. I washed my hands and slowly remove the entire a2 sized canvas from my easel.

Hiroki appeared and took the mugs from the small circle table near my easel. "Wow. That's so beautiful" He said, standing still while looking at the portrait i did with three mugs on his huge hands. "You're so talented, baby" he stand behind me and kissed my neck. I took the portrait to the counter. While i was waiting for any customers to turned up in the counter, hiroki removed my hair tie. "Lemme redo your hair. It's very messy" he said while combing my hair with his fingers. He tied a ponytail for me and he end of with a peck on my head. "You're joking around, aren't you?" I immediately asked while touching my hair. I looked on the huge standing mirror beside the main door and started smiling like an insane person. It was so adorable and simple. I turned around and smile at him. "That's pretty. Thank you" I threw myself to him but stop when he told me there's someone walking to the counter.

time skip... again

It's going to be midnight in a few minutes. I got into Hiroki's car and he came in after five minutes to lock the store door and closing the lights off for the last time. We spend our last day being together at the store, thinking it'll be the best for us. After we closed the store, we spend time watching haikyuu, had dinner, clean the place and make one last pottery together for the last time. "Can i sleepover? for the last time?" I asked him and he chuckled, while putting on his seatbelt. He sighed then grabbed my fingers to his palm, clenching our hands. he looked at me then slowly nod. "Also, can i drive? I don't want you to leave without thinking I'm an all rounder lady" he laughed out loud and then stare at me once again. "You have licensed right?" he asked and I nod saying of course. We switched places and i started driving.

We were listening to songs when the clock strikes twelve am straight. I faced him then he gripped my thigh, "Happy Valentines day, Luna Kim" I smiled, just by listening to his voice and saying my name. He held the bouquet of chrysanthemums he gave me while smelling every each of the flower. The street was empty probably because it's midnight and it's not a busy town. I sped up the car as all the traffic lights started turning green. I continued speeding up until I realised after I cross over the green light, a humongous truck then appeared out of the blue from the left junction. I tried as hard I can to break but I failed miserably. It didn't work. It's hopeless.

Before the window started crashing over me, I felt someone pulled me to their embrace. As much as I knew, Hiroki pushed my head deeper to his chest before we land to the ground. No matter what, I tried opening my eyes but everything was completely cloudy. I was then slowly released from hiroki's embrace. I couldn't stand but all I could feel like is my tears that flow uncontrollably.

"I-i love you. I love you so much, Luna..." I heard it. "...Be" that was the last thing I could hear although it was soft and breathless. My eyes were getting out of focus but I tried my best to look at Hiroki's face. The pain started shattering my heart more than my bloody body. "H-hiroki!!!! w-wake... u-up!!!!" I tried my best to touched his cheeks but all i could feel, was how cold it was.

His forehead was bleeding so much but I couldn't do anything but to sit in pain and cry in silence. The bouquet of chrysanthemums started pouring around us. It was unstoppable. My entire figure suddenly felt weaker and that my now blurry eyes went completely black. I fell backwards, leaving my unconscious body on the full shattered glass before feeling nothing but emptiness.

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