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"Luna, I'm going home late so don't forget to eat and eat your meds afterwards okay? I believe in you!" I woke up to Seehye's loud voice from outside. She probably knocked the door before but I couldn't hear. "Mm okay. Thanks, you too. Don't forget to eat on time" I replied with my huskily tone. "Okay, bye!" The main door then swing close followed by the auto lock. I look at my wall clock and realized i woke up too early. I stood up and started drawing my curtains to close the bright shining sunrise. Before I pull my blankets to myself, my phone started ringing.

"Good morning, Miss Kim. This is the L&L Renovation. Regarding our workers, yesterday was their last day finishing up your store. So, may I confirm with you again, later?" I got so surprised. I nearly forgot about my store. I haven't been feeling myself lately, that my memory of having an art store is completely gone. 

"Okay thank you. I'll go there in a bit and I'll call you around lunc- no. After lunchtime" I replied and the person replied with a small ok then hangs up. I'm really excited to see the outcome but so lazy at the same time. I removed my blanket from me then stands up. I threw my phone on my bed and walked to the toilet to shower.

After a few last rinse, I suddenly recalled about the art supplies I ordered from a factory earlier this month. I thought changing few things in the store would stop me from being too attached with Hiroki's lost. I called the factory after showering to ask if they're completed so I could collect them. They told me that they will send to my store instead because there's too much of it. I combed my hair and change to a oversized white shirt followed by a ripped jeans. I took my bag pack and filled the bag with my charger, bottle and meds, wallet, renovation and factory's receipts.

I reached downstairs and realized why did I hurried myself when it's only around 7am. I pulled my hair in frustration and continued walking to the bus stop, thinking i should probably head to Ikea to buy some things for the store. The bus reached about 10mins. It wasn't that packed with humans that made me wondered. I picked a seat where there isn't anyone around me. I put on my earpiece in my ear and listen to songs to start my day.

Few rides later, I came to a realization that across this bus was the road where we both were at that night. My mind just went completely blank. I can't think about anything. I couldn't control my tears at all that made me feel so embarrassed and sorry for. The bus starts moving and I didn't face that road anymore. I closed my face and let my last tears flow out. The timing, everything is about timing. We had each other in the wrong time.

I reached Ikea and it was still around 9am. It was quite early for them to open the store so i walked to the nearest cafe they had around the town to grab breakfast. I walked in the store to found out the smell of coffee surrounds the room. I definitely knew this cafe will be in my pick list already, just by the simple and yet welcoming place. 

I haven't ordered anything and I already said too much about this cafe. There's plenty of empty tables that makes me worry less about waiting for one to complete their meal. I ordered myself a blended matcha latte followed by a egg mayo sandwich. It's quite pricey to be honest, but I believe it's all about taste and worthiness this time.

My food came about ten minutes after i sat. The aesthetics they placed my sandwich is wow. It's a small tray followed by my matcha latte in the tray too. I took a snapshot and smiled at how this small things made my day. I took a bite and realised something familiar with my sandwich. I munched the sandwich and it literally looked and tasted like the sandwich Hiroki bought me once. Everything starts to make more sense as times goes by. It suddenly seems like it's really our fate to be where we are now. I continue eating and look at the clock. It's about 10 soon.

After I'm done with my drink and sandwich, I stood up and thanked the workers there before heading out. The sun is completely above the sky now. I let out a smile for myself and walked back towards the Ikea store. I took a bag and walk around the store to find anything that would satisfy me. Candles. I took two glass of the same scented candles. I Walked around again and came across a vertical wooden shelf. It's quite tall, about 1.70 centimetres tall. I took a snap of the product name and continue walking and then found the main purpose of why I'm here.

A shelf for my art supplies. It's a large long horizontally sized shelf with around ten rows. There's the colour I wanted too and I did the same thing. Before I walked towards the collection of my shelves section, I was brought to the plants section. I took one huge pots and a planted shasta daisy pot. It would be a waste if I bought too much seeds and plants here for nothing. 

My store itself sells flower pots and bouquets. I took my shelves and placed it in a trolley for huge and long items, and that is my shelf. After I goes to the counter and paid for my items, I send my shelf to counter that would deliver my shelf to my store. I registered and completed within half and hour.

I took a cab to my store because I am running late. The factory called and said they're sending my items earlier. I reached on time when i see a person outside my store placing few boxes from his van on the ground. "I'm sorry, I'm late" I said while waiting for that dude to look up. "It's fine. Do you want me to place them inside? It's quite heavy" I nod and unlocked the store door. I opened the door wide so he have space to enter with the large box. 

He placed about three huge squared sized box nearby my counter and walk towards me. "Call us if there's any defects on the items and order with us again, yeah?" He said and i nod. "Ya okay. Thank you for sending this. I'll call the company again. Here's a tip" I gave him a five dollars cash and he bowed thanks to me then left.

Damn it, I was supposed to closed my eyes so i can surprise myself with the new renovations but the delivery man came earlier. I hate it here. I entered the store once again and started crying madly. I sat myself to the new wooden flooring and sulkily looked around. The entire store is painted in white. Nothing, but plain white. A colourless wall which I thought would stop me from missing you.

The countertop is still the same but just in a marble design. The shelf where I placed the pottery I made stays the same except for now, it's placed inside the wall. It is still a wooden shelf that occupied the entire wall. I took the potteries i kept in the store, and carefully placed them by colour contrast on the shelves. I took the stairs and climbed up on the highest column to place the others on their box sized shelf, that's one for each.

I completed all but then it was left with one empty box. It was the pottery Hiroki and I did together on that particular day. I dropped them on the cleaning day and it was scattered everywhere. It was hard for me to believe you were gone, forever gone. I sighed and wiped that particular shelf that was empty. 

Right after a while, I realized that all of mine, is not here anymore.

I got downstairs and replaced everything back to it's place. The pottery class got larger this time that it occupied the entire second level because I decided it would be better in a bigger and spacious class.

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