head empty, only you

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hiroki pov

It's midnight. I'm laying on my king sized, white filled bed, boringly. I closed my laptop and took out my spectacles I was using and placed it on my side table. Coincidentally, my phone vibrated, indicating there's a message for me. I opened it and sighed. It was dad.

I've been staying in seoul for my whole college years without my family here. Dad must've wanted be to come back and work on my training there again.


when are you coming
back? i'll book your flight ticket from seoul
to japan. you'll stay there for two weeks,
your grandfather has been asking for you.
then return to europe. mom and i are still having business here so you'll settle and
start your training here instead.

I closed my phone and sighed, staring at my plain ceiling. I don't want to leave this place, especially when i had a good time here but dad will never understand. I closed my room light then proceed to my bed again.

My bed is so wide that it makes me feel lonely but i'm used to it. I closed my eyes but I can't sleep no matter how much I squeeze and turned into my comfortable sleeping position. I know so well that i'm tired but something is bothering me. I closed my eyes then suddenly recalled about something earlier. Fuck, I'm so in love with her. I closed my eyes, recalling about my kiss with her. We've never kissed each other before, the most we've done is kissing each other's forehead and hug. I suddenly felt something underneath my blanket. I looked at it and realised. Oh, shit I fucked up.

next day

I woke up, shirtless. I looked at my phone to see the time and stretch myself up. I tried remembering how I fell asleep yesterday night and when i realised, I felt a burning heat on my cheeks. Damn it, I was really that horny last night. I stood up and stare at myself on my standing mirror, still naked. I proceeds to showering and then make breakfast for my own. It's 8 in the morning. I don't have any plans today but i'll drop by the store in afternoon after my salon appointment. I made scrambled eggs with toasted cheese bread and combine it with a cup of milk. I ate my breakfast quick without having anything to think about.

About my dad's message, I replied to him, saying I'll start renting my apartment in Seoul and come back when I'm everything's settled here. That would take about a week. I'm not ready to leave luna. I don't dare to see her be upset and afraid without me being by her side. I sniffed thinking about that and finished up my breakfast. I put on a black tee then followed by my black jacket and a knee and thigh ripped jeans. Got into my car, put on my seatbelt then drove myself to the salon I had appointment with.

I parked my car outside the salon and walked in the store to three ladies greeting me. "Hey Hiroki. You grew up so much! Your dad told me that you're going back soon. I'm so glad you came" I greeted a man, who is known as my mom's old friend that owned this salon. dad and him are very close ever since I was born. "Yeah, i'm going home in about a week's time. thanks for having me here, Uncle Chu" He patted my back. I don't actually need to book an appointment but I just did it because I don't want to be treated extra special.

I asked for trimming my hair even though it isn't that long. They chop them off for about five minutes then I decided to dye my hair. Without hesitation, I asked for light grey. The worker smiled and went to search for the hair dye.

time skip

They removed the towel from my hair and the ladies in the salon starts squealing. I looked on the mirror and smiled, seeing my waves turned straight in the grey colour. The hairstylist pats my shoulder and said, "That was a great pick. You look so good in this. Grey is totally your colour" she thumbed up to me and asked if I'm fine with taking a short photoshoot to update their salon's magazine. I agreed as I still have the time to spare. She brought me to Uncle Chu and he clapped his hands looking at my cut. He sighed then pat my shoulders. "I used to always pray for a son in law like you but looks like it'll never happen" i chuckled and denied at his unnecessary comment. Uncle Chu has a daughter that our dad always hoped for his daughter and I to be together but I was never interested in her and she got married sooner.

2.31 pm

I got in my car once again and started driving to Luna's store. I reached and got out from my car to enter the store. The door was lock, probably because it's lunch time. I unlocked it with the key that I always had with me. Her eyes were the first thing I land my eyes on when I swung the door open. I smiled and she smiled even brightly rushing towards me. All I could say is that, I'm a very happy person alive right now.

All i could think of is her and only her. Her smile, her laugh, her attitude, her humour, her warmth, her comfort, her tears. Everything about her. I've been waiting for her to realised how much she meant to me ever since she first snatched my manga when we first met. She's very extraordinary. She hugged me tightly and then smiled once again. "You look exactly like Victor!!!!" She touched my hair and my heart starts racing. Victor is an anime character. Not just an anime character but he's extremely hot and he skates too. I didn't even thought of Victor when I dyed my hair grey. "Do i? Do i really look like Victor?" i asked, for assurance and she whispered.

"Absolutely, but a little more hotter" she whispered then left me alone, questioning my entire life existence. That just turned me on. I bite my lower lip and walked to her, who's making a drink. I wrapped my arms around her from behind and we stayed silent. "Oh my god!! Go and get a room for god's sake!!" Katie suddenly voiced out before leaving the store. Luna chuckled then I gripped her tighter. She took a sip of her drink and caressed my arm on her waist.

I can't take it anymore that I leaned in deeper and kissed her neck. She turn around and face me, probably felt something. "Maybe we should really get a room" she whispered. I couldn't stand any longer but I know she have to work. She took another sip of her tea then continued, "Your face tells me something's not right" I looked down then at her. She really knows me so well and I'm not surprised anymore. I took a sip from her cup then nod, saying I do have something that's not right. She leaned back on the wall and forcefully smiled, "You're going back. Am i right?" hearing that from her makes me feel destroyed and trashed up. She leaned forward this time and pulled me to her embrace.

She caressed my back and continued, "You must've been waiting for this time. I'm so happy for you" I know this ain't it. Her troubled voice is getting to obvious. I tightly hugged her this time. She started crying and I patted her back slowly. I broke our hugs to see her tears. She hides her face deeply on my chest that made me want to be with her every day, every seconds. I pushed up her head and she closed her eyes tight. I wiped her tears and kissed her forehead. I cupped her face then I continued, "I'm sorry. I don't want to leave you, I have never thought I would. I'm sorry... I just had to I'll go there and then come back quick. I want you to wait for me here so when I'm back, I'll propose and get married to you. I won't be with you for only few hours, not years. I want you to continue to stay strong and keep smiling, for me"

I said and she just nod at every words I say, with her eyes still closed. She hurriedly hugged me tightly after I stopped talking. "I'll miss you so much. I love you, Hiroki" she said, in a low voice. I waited for a bit longer for her to calm herself down and broke our hugs.

She removed herself and I placed my head above her shoulder, whispering, "I love you too, baby girl" she stoned. "You're so... ugh" She stated and we both walked to the counter. "You love it, didn't you?" I winked and she jokingly slapped my bicep. We sat on the stool, still can't get my eyes over her. Our eyes met and I look away mumbling, "so fucking beautiful" before leaning my lips to hers. She sat above my thigh and leaned in closer to my body. I wrapped my hands around her waist and she pushed my head deeper to deepened our kiss. "So this is your lunch, now?" I whispered to her and she nod. "What's lunch? I only know you" I blurted out with laughter and she joined in.

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