"Okay, I'll see you in 5!!" I squeal.



I shove the phone back into my pocket and take Ashton's hand, pulling him towards gate 17. I honestly couldn't wait to see my best friend. I haven't seen her in a good three months and I've been really missing her. Besides, I could use some females besides my mum on this tour.

Within minutes me and Ash are standing in front of gate 17 waiting for Kimberley. "Ugh, she was supposed to already be out." I whined.

"Calm down, Shaylee." He laughs, "Maybe there's a lot of people in front of her. Trust me, she'll be out soon." I sigh.

"Fine, I'll shut up." I groan. I coudn't help it. It's my best friend, that I haven't seen in ages. Does he really expect me not to complain? Man could he be mean sometimes.

After waiting for quite awhile I decide to call her. I dial her number and bring the phone to my ear. It rings a few times and finally she answers.

"Hey, where are you Kim?" I ask. I hear her giggle.

"Okay, do me a favor and turn around." She giggles again. I turn around again and come face to face with my,purple haired friend?

I ignore the fact that her brown hair was now purple and wrap my arms around her waist as she does the same to me. "Oh my god, I missed you so much." She says as we break apart from our hug.

"I missed you too Kim. May I ask, what the hell happened to your hair?" I laugh.

"I dyed it! You like?" She asks, showing me multiple strands of her hair.

"Like it?" I ask her, "I love it!! It looks so cute on you!"

"Thanks," she smiles, "mum let me get it done for my 18th."

"That's awesome, now let's go get our luggage." I say starting to walk toward baggage claim.

"No need, I already got it. That's why I took forever. I snuck passed you two and went to get it. So we didn't have to waste any time." She explains to me. I make the letter "O" with my mouth and giggle.

"Alright enough with this." Ashton groans, "Can we leave now?" I roll my eyes, I'm the pregnant one and I don't think I'm even that pushy. Jeez.

"Yeah, yeah. Calm down stop whining." Kimberley laughs.

"Hey, Ash can you take Kim's luggage for her?" I ask. He narrows his eyes at me and hesitantly throws one bag over his shoulder and starts pulling the other two behind him.

"So," Kimberley starts, "do you have anything planned for our time together?" She finishes, nudging my arm.

I nudge her back, "Well, I figured my mum is out right now at the mall so, I'll have Ash take us over there and we can meet up with mum for lunch. After that I thought maybe we could just walk around the mall and just catch up on things. Or we could order pizza and go eat it at the beach." I explain to her.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. I love your mum and would love to chat with her but, I've missed you just a little bit more than your mum and would prefer to order pizza and go to the beach. We can like get tans.... maybe some boys." She tells me, mumbling the last part.

I laugh at her, "I already have a boy...... and two babies. Trust me I don't need anymore boys," I pause, "or babies."

"Ew!!" I hear Ashton groan. I turn my head around to find him holding his phone up to his face and making a finger gun, pointing it at his head. After he points his "gun" at his head he pretends to die.

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