1- The Hogsmeade Trip

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"How dare you think I'd want to ever touch your Death Eater arm, it could hold all sorts of diseases for all I know!" He sputtered angrily.

Theo looked down slightly, and cradled his right arm, "But it's my right arm-" he said in a slightly shaky voice, but he was interrupted again.

"I don't bloody care! Why on earth would you have two bandages anyway, you Death Eater scum!" He said in a booming voice, while giving him a disgusted look. Ron looked to Harry and smirked but it was not returned, for Harry was sick of his childish behaviour.

Draco and Blaise were stunned. Weren't they supposed to be nice? They hadn't even said anything to offend them.

Draco walked slowly to stand on Theo's right while Blaise went to his left. Draco peered at Theo, he could clearly see he was upset. Theo was a lovely boy at heart who was always happy, he was a strong young man who stood up for himself but the Death Eater topic was too much to handle, Draco knew this. He was forced into being a Death Eater, like himself and Blaise, and their mothers, but people would never listen to their side, it was out of the question, people were outraged in why they did not get sentenced to life in Azkaban. Draco snapped his head towards Weasley who looked smug.

"How dare you, Weasley! You know absolutely nothing, and you dare act like you know a thing about what we have been-" He said angrily, his voice was raised and Theo looked at him, with a smile forming on his lips, but Draco was interrupted for the third time today.

"Oh shut-up!" He said in a whiny voice, "Don't act like you lot actually know anything! You wankers are dumb! You were never smart, you bought your way through school, to get good marks, and bought yourselves into the Slytherin Quidditch Team. Everyone knew from the start that you,-" He pointed his slightly pink freckled finger to the 3 Slytherins "- were trouble from the very beginning!" He sputtered angrily, out of breath, which made Draco chuckle, earning a look from the silent Harry who stood behind Ronald, and a disgusted look from the Weasley.

"Think something's funny do you? It's all true, once we finish the seventh year, no one will want to take in Death Eaters!" He said with a smirk. "I mean, you guys look bloody stupid!" He said referring to Blaise and Theo's shirts.

"Hey!" Blaise said loudly, but was not offended. Earning a small laugh from Theo. Blaise smiled proudly at him.

"Here's the thing, Weasley," Draco said, interrupting Theo and Blaise's moment, taking a step forward, a smirk evident on his pale structured face. "Blaise, Theo and me are the smartest boys in our year, smarter than you and your friends combined, the only reason you lot made it through school was because of your little girlfriends, Mudblood and Weaslette." Ronald tried interrupting him but was stopped when Draco came closer, scarily.

Draco saw from the corner of his eye, Blaise gave him a disappointed look when he'd used the discriminatory word, but Draco kept going, for his friend who was upset and insulted. Ronald Weasley looked taken back.

"I got into the Quidditch team in my first year while you got in our fifth year, so don't act all high and mighty, and don't go around insulting us, especially my friends. We actually studied and didn't need any help, we actually understood the material!" He said, a bit loud, pointing his long finger to Ron. But to his friends he looked calm. Only they knew how mad he could really become.

He signalled for his friends to follow him, past the two Gryffindors, but was stopped by the following words.

"You'll always be a Death Eater, you and your family and your friends." Draco turned around slowly. He turned around and his eyes dangerously narrowed at the boy, waiting to hear his next words. "You'll never find a job, you'll never have a family, you'll die alone, without anyone by your side, no one'd marry a Death Eater!" He huffed.

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