9 | a strange definition of pretty

Start from the beginning

I rolled my eyes, feeling slightly conscious of all the curious glances that we were being subjected to. "Fine, you look very handsome. I won't deny that." I admitted quietly.

"But for someone who looks as good as you do, you have a very strange definition of pretty."

Jungkook's mouth tightened as I finished my sentence and I immediately felt anxious. He looked absolutely displeased, all of the mischievous glint in his eyes disappearing as he stepped closer to me, his dark eyes boring deep into mine, cold and resentful.

"Whatever my definition of pretty is, you, Lee Y/N, fit into it." He practically growled against my hair, his voice raspy and his breath fanning me across my cheek. "Short hair or not, red cheeks or not, itchy skin prone to breakouts or not, you are the one I like. Deal with it."

I gulped.

"You don't have to be so a-angry." I stuttered, looking down immediately. An angry Jungkook could be really intimidating and I didn't want to bring out that side of his.

"I'm not angry." Jungkook shook his head, pulling away a little. "I'm just stunned you think so less of yourself, even though I might also have had a part to play in that especially in the past. But I won't let you feel that way about yourself anymore." He stated.

Straightening up, he tapped two fingers under my chin, startling me as I looked up to meet his fiery but sincere gaze.

"Keep your head up, Y/N. You're beautiful." He winked at me before walking away.

"Oh and I'll be looking forward to seeing you tonight." He called over his back, his shiny dark hair glimmering in the sunlight streaming from the glass windows.


I pulled the flowy pastel pink dress down my body, critically examining myself in the mirror.

The dress did make my figure look quite nice and it also covered up most of the rashes on my arms but I couldn't say the same about my face. Feeling disappointed, I glanced at the clock at then at myself.

There was less than thirty minutes left until Jungkook came to pick me up and I still wasn't even remotely satisfied with the way I looked.

Sighing, I slipped into nicest pair of heels I owned—solid white stilettos that really emphasised the length of my legs. Quickly brushing through my straight hair to make them look somewhat manageable, I proceeded to do my regular skincare before putting on a tinted moisturiser and a thin layer of mascara.

"This should be acceptable." I murmured to myself as I walked into the living room, to be immediately greeted by not two but three smiling faces.

"Jungkook, wha—what are you doing here?" I stared at him stupefied. "Weren't you just supposed to pick me up?"

I gave my parents a questioning glance as they smiled at me brightly. "Don't be rude, Y/N." My mother rebuked playfully. "He's such a nice boy. It was so thoughtful of him to come in and introduce himself."

"It's my pleasure, Mrs. and Mr. Lee." Jungkook bowed, a full ninety degree as my jaw fell open.

Where was all of this coming from? Since when was Jungkook so respectful?

I had always seen him exert his superiority over everybody, so this was completely out of the ordinary for me, but I liked it.

"Now, if you'll let us take your leave. I'll bring her back latest by midnight." He held out a hand for me to take, smiling brightly as my father laughed, thumping his back.

"Of course, son. Have fun, you two."

"Dad?" I echoed shocked as Jungkook led me out. Was my father really letting me go just like that? And what? Son?

Jungkook, this charming bastard.

"I don't know what you told my parents, but that was impressive." I mumbled as he held open the door for me. I was shocked into silence once again as I took in the sheer luxury of the car's interior.

"You look pretty impressive yourself." Jungkook smirked. "Nice legs, by the way."

"Don't you think you're being too forward for a first date?" I stared at him.

Jungkook gave me a tentative smile.

"I've known you for two years, Y/N, most of which I've...regretfully spent bullying you from up close and...crushing on you from afar." He confessed, his voice soft as he mouthed the words that made my heart do cartwheels in my chest. "I've seen you at your best and your absolute worst. We have quite a history together. But if you still want me to act all formal, then I'll do it."

"No, I'd rather my first date wasn't awkward." I shook my head. "Also, let's stop mentioning the past from now on. I don't know for how long this—whatever this is—is gonna last but I want to make the best of it."

Jungkook's POV

Y/N thought it wasn't gonna last, we weren't gonna last. Knowing that she still had doubts about me hurt but I didn't intend to tell her that.

Actions were always more powerful than words and just like I'd made her believe all the bad things about herself through my thoughtless but still cruel actions, I was going to make her believe in all the good things the same way too.


After the date, Jungkook dropped me home and I couldn't believe how happy I was when I stepped out of his car.

"I had a lot of fun. Thank you, Jungkook." I smiled at him, happily clutching onto the bags of gifts he'd won for me.

Who knew he would use all of his "golden" talent to win me all the cute little plushies that I liked?

"'I like you Jungkook' would have been a better form of thanks, but I'll take whatever you're giving." Jungkook laughed, his eyes darkening as he took in my fidgeting figure, licking his lips softly.

"Can I get another kiss as thanks though?" He hummed quietly as I blushed and quickly stood on my tiptoes to peck his lips softly, careful not to get too close but Jungkook clearly had other intentions as his arms slid around my waist, tugging me closer to him as he held me there, deepening the kiss, his tongue getting explorative.

"This...is a kiss, Y/N." He smirked as I pulled away from him, disoriented and breathing hard. "Goodnight, Y/N. I'll wait for as long as you want, until you tell me that you do in fact like me back."

A Touch Of Love | J.JK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now