A Curse of Luck (A kidnapped story) (9)

Start from the beginning


Will's (Pov)

Man I can't believe that just happened. I'm not really sure what just happened.

One minute I was looking across the forest deciding which way to go next, and then this intoxicating smell hits me. It smelled almost like peaches, and something else I wasn't quite sure. I just knew it was amazing.

I turned to the direction it was coming from, and found I was staring at Whitney.

She was observing a tree, and I instantly knew the smell was coming from her.

I took in a deep breath of air and suddenly was overcome with desire, for what exactly I wasn't sure. All I wanted to do at that moment was go to her and be enveloped in her presence.

But I knew if I did that I would scare her, my mind was fighting my instincts, but I remained still.

She turned around, and stared back at me as well. I had to fight it, I couldn't freak her out.

She called out to me, and just as suddenly as it had started it ended. I could still smell her scent it just wasn't as overwhelming.

I shook my head, and held it trying to focus, I looked to Whitney she didn't seem freak out more concerned. I told her I was fine, and that we should head out.

Now were riding north, or I hope it's north to the coast. I look down at her in front of me I lean forward and sniff her hair; the scent is faint but there. I just never noticed before or my abilities kicked in. They come on like waves from my hearing, sight, and now smell. I can't really control them.

It's just like Jasper said, "The more time you are in this world the more your powers will appear."

I let out a deep sigh; I have to keep control no matter what. Whitney turns around.

"Hey if you want I can take over the rains, and you can try to rest."

She must have thought I was tired which I am but not as much as I thought.

"No I'm fine really." I can't help but smile at her; she is really trying to do as much as she can. But I don't mind taking in more of the work on this journey, I guess you could call it.

I feel guilty that it is partly my fault she's in this situation. I mean if she didn't try to help me get away at the bus stop she would not be here.

As to why she would try to help a drunk man is beyond me. But she did and I feel like I have to take care of her so that's what I'm going to do, or try to.


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