A Curse of Luck (A kidnapped story) (4)

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"Now are you a virgin, if not how many mates have you had, and what race were they?"

Did I hear right, did she just ask what I think she asked?

I'm dumb founded. I cannot believe what just came out of her mouth.

But at that moment I got this bad feeling.

I just hope Will's alright.


Whitney’s (POV)

Lesley stares at me with an impatient expression.

"Well answer the question." I try to shake the bad feeling that is creeping through me at the moment, and focus.

"Yes, I'm still a virgin." I look down a little embarrassed.

"Good, now do you or any of your family members have any serious medical conditions? And I do not mean heart condition, or something simple as asthma. More like cancer or a rare illness?"

"Um, not that I know of."

What the hell does she need all this personal information for anyway? Especially the virgin thing why would she need to know that?

God I'm starting to feel sicker, and have they ever heard of central heating in this place, it's so cold in here.

"All right I'm going to take a few blood samples, and I'm going to ask you to drink a few of these tonics."


"Just do as I say and this will all go smoothly."

(Yeah right)

Then as if on cue another woman enters the room. This one is much shorter and older. She is holder a tray with stuff for drawing my blood.

Great, not that I'm scared of needles but it's still uncomfortable.

"I will be back", Lesley announces and leaves the room.

As she was preparing my arm, I decide I should try to see if I can get at least a few answers out of her.

"Why do you need my blood? Do you know why I'm here?"

She looks at me with a blank expression for a while, then it seems like she decided.

"Yes I do, unfortunately I'm not allowed to tell you." (I knew it.)

"As for the blood we need to run some test with it. If they come up negative like they usually do your likely hood of going home and not remembering a thing of this experience goes up."

My eyes shined with hope. "Really" I said a little louder than intended.

"Yes really." She replies with a small smile, at this she looks much kinder than Lesley.

"Now I want you to drink this." She hands me a little vile of what looks like a green smoothie and smells like mouthwash.

"What is it?"

"No more questions." She says sternly, and from the look on her face I knew not to question her any further.

I take it pinched my nose and forced it down. The taste is so strange it's very acidly if that makes sense and fruity at the same time.

"Okay, now tell me if you feel a burning sensation?"



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