Chapter 33. "I like you"

Start from the beginning

"I'd prefer it if you just buried your face against my chest whilst we watched it instead," Lauren said squeezing Camila's hand and smiling brightly. "That way I can hug you close and protect you."

"Aww..." Camila said, leaning over and kissing Lauren on the lips briefly. "That's really sweet."

"If you really don't want to watch it Camz," Lauren said, relenting at the thought of forcing Camila to endure something which she didn't want to. "I guess I can watch it on my own another time."

"Now I kind of want to watch it though," Camila replied pouting at Lauren who bent forward to kiss Camila lightly on the forehead, causing the smaller girl to smile brightly in response.

"Let me ask you this Ally," Lauren said turning back towards her friend in front of her.

"If we weren't going to watch 'Black Christmas' then what other films would you want to watch instead?" Ally thought about it for a moment but could not come up with a suggestion despite her best efforts.

"Dinah?" Lauren asked.

"Hey, I'm happy with Black Christmas," Dinah said shrugging.

"Camz," Lauren questioned, turning her attention back to her girlfriend.

"It's a Wonderful Life,'" Camila suggested thoughtfully. "I love that movie." She mused. "It's dark,
yet uplifting. It's one of my favorite Christmas movies of all time." Lauren studied Camila for a moment, biting her bottom lip as she considered the recommendation. She was loathed to ever deny Camila anything that she wanted and she definitely couldn't argue that it wasn't a good movie.

"Ok," Lauren finally conceded. "I'll drop 'Black Christmas' for 'It's a Wonderful Life.'"

"Yes," Ally rejoiced. "You will not regret it. I'll get you a little extra gift in compensation for your sacrifice."

"You don't have to do that..." Lauren replied seriously.

"Wait a minute Lauren," Dinah said, putting her hand up to stop her midsentence. "Let's not be hasty here. What kind of gift are we talking?" she asked interestedly.

"It'll be a surprise," Ally returned chuckling slightly. "Just remember that I am also losing out on seeing 'Black Christmas,'" she reminded her. "Surely I should get some compensation too."

"I'll consider it," Ally replied.

"That's all I ask," Dinah accepted.

"So we're all exchanging gifts tomorrow?" Lauren asked glancing at Camila.

"Yes," Ally confirmed. "I'm visiting my grandparents in Texas over the holidays," she informed her. "So I'll not be around."

"Normani is going to Houston as well," Dinah reminded them. "So we decided tomorrow would probably be the best time to do it."

"I can't wait to give you mine," Camila told Lauren, a smile appearing across her features.

"Have you secretly signed us up to perform something together at the Christmas show on Friday?" Lauren asked lightheartedly, recalling the conversation that they'd had back before they'd ever been a couple.

"What?" Camila replied anxiously. "No! Have you?" she asked panicked.

"No," Lauren laughed as she observed Camila's response. "I would never do that to you."

"Oh my God," Camila reacted, reaching up a hand and rubbing at her temple for a minute, narrowing her eyes as if in pain. "Don't do that to me! I think I almost had a heart attack."

"I'm sorry," Lauren apologized sincerely, noting Camila's agitation. "I was only teasing." She said, leaning forward to plant a soothing kiss above Camila's right eyebrow.

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