Running from the Truth

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I got out of the car and made my way to a bench. I had ended up at a river and I sat and stared at the water.

What was the point of leaving in the first place? They just followed me here and were pissed. I was closer to Jackie but that was it. And the girls would go back to the States soon. I have to explain everything to the girls here now.

I groaned and tried to think of literally anything else. I got up and wandered the streets of London, it was a really pretty city. 

What do I tell them? They heard it wrong? The truth? Half-truth? Nothing? This is the kind of stuff I would call Jackie for, except for the fact she also doesn't know.

"London?" I turned around and gasped shocked.

"Janine? What the hell are you doing here?" I asked. She came over and gave me a short hug.

"I signed with Man City remember?"

"Oh yeah! How's that going?"

"Good, I love it. And how's Arsenal treating you?"

"It's good," I answered shortly.


"Yep. So what brings you to London?" I asked her as we walked down the street.

"Soccer. We had a game here today."

"How'd it go?"

"Good, won 7-1. And saw you scored on your debut! That's awesome kid!"

"Thanks, Janine. I try," I said smiling. Janine and I met when I played Houston, and we became sort of friends. Then she came to Sky Blue this year so we kept contact and would hang out after games. 

"So, are you meeting with your team or just wandering around London at 7 at night?" I asked.

"Could ask you the same, but I'm meeting some of the girls for dinner," She said.

"Where?" I asked her ignoring the first part of her sentence.

"Um, some Italian place," she said pulling her phone out. I looked at the address and shrugged.

"No clue where that is but I'll help you look," I offered.

"Sure. So how do you like Arsenal?"

"I like it, the girls are nice and it's a different style of play."

"Yeah, I've noticed that with City too."

We talked about moving to England and our new teams while we looked for the restaurant.

"there it is!" I exclaimed seeing it down the street. 

"Thanks, London," she said pulling me into a hug.

"Of course! See you later Janine."

I walked back to the park and got in my car. I sat there for a minute debating whether or not I should go back to the flat. I decided I should since it was getting dark anyway. 

I drove back to the flat and went up. I opened the door and most of the girls had left. It was only Leah, Jordan, Beth, Jill, Daan, Lisa, and Viv. I sighed and quietly closed the door hoping none of them would notice. I went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I sat down at the counter and pulled out my phone. I was scrolling through Instagram when I felt someone sit down next to me. I looked over and saw Leah.

"Hey London," She whispered.

"Hi, Leah."

"Are you okay?" Her voice was laced with concern.

"Yep. Just needed some time away." 

"Look, what happened with Daan, she's not mad. She's worried, you've become like a little sister to all of us. So when you were gone for two days, she got worried and assumed the worst," Leah explained softly.

"Sorry, I just was dealing with something, and then ran into someone and helped them with something quick."

"Okay. As long as your safe."

I nodded and held my head in my hands. Of course, walking around that much probably wasn't the best idea after what my parents had done, but I hadn't been thinking. I took a shaky breath and sat up again.

"Are you okay?" She asked again, this time worried.

"Course I am. What could have happened?" I asked brushing her concern off.

"I don't know, none of us do. This is again why we were worried. We know practically nothing bout you so there's a lot that could be going on that we don't know."

I tensed at her comments that sounded too much like Rose's. 

"We knew almost nothing about you! You lied to us all these years! How could we not know what you've been going through?"

I stood up and grabbed the chair for support.

"We should've noticed you were going through this!"

"London? Are you alright?" Leah's voice rang in my head.

"We knew nothing about you. How could you keep this? We could've helped you get away from them!"

Leah put a hand on my arm. I jumped and pulled back.

"London, what's wrong?"

"Guys! Come here!" She called. 

I had to get away.

I started to make my way to the door again but was stopped by someone grabbing my hand. I turned to see Lisa had been the one to grab me.

"Let me go!" I said.

"London, just stay here. You can't go out like this," Leah pleaded. 

"I can't. I can't be here. I shouldn't have done this," I pulled out of Lisa's grasp and got back in my car. I pulled out my phone and hovered over a contact. I finally called them and put it on speaker as I pulled out of the flat.


"Hi Sara, I know this is short notice but can I come stay with you for a couple of days?"

"What? Don't you have to go to training and games?"

"I'll call Joe, but please? I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

"What's wrong kind?"

"What's wrong child?"

"I'm just not in a good place right now. I need to take a step back from everything."

"I'll make a bed for you. Please talk to your manager though."

"I will, thank you!" She hung up and I dialed Joe.


"Hi, Joe."

"Hi London, is everything all right?"

"Actually no. I'm not in a good mental state right now and was wondering if I could have a few days to go back home."

"Of course. I hope it helps you."

"Thank you so much!"

"Your welcome. I'll see you later right?"

"yes sir!"

"Alright, bye London."


I was going home.

Hope you enjoyed this one! Most of the italicized were Rose speaking from when she found out about her parents in case that was confusing. Leave any suggestions! Also, happy December!
Thanks for the support guys and stay safe!

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