The Plan

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I heard Mal come in the room and I lifted my head.

"Hey Mal," I whispered.

"Hey, London. You missed dinner," She says sitting on her bed.

"It's fine, I'm not hungry anyway."

"Okay, are you excited to start training?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"What's wrong?" She asks. 

"Just some stuff in London, nothing major though."

"Is it your team?"

I didn't answer her and played with the blanket.

"Oh, you didn't tell them did you?" She gasps.

"No, I didn't cause I didn't think it would be this big of a deal. Now they are mad at me and I don't want to call them and now everything is a mess," I rant to her.

"Just tell them what you told me."

"No. I may have promised I would tell them when I'm leaving and I didn't."

"London, they aren't your parents. They won't be mad at you."

"I never said they were Mal. I'm saying they are going to be mad and I don't want to deal with it," I say annoyed.

"Calm down, you can't just run from all your problems."

"Sure I can. It's worked pretty well so far," I point out.

"Has it? Cause you seem pretty miserable right now."

"I'm going to sleep I've had a long day," I say cutting the conversation short. I roll over and close my eyes as I hear Mal huff in annoyance.

Next Morning

Emily Sonnett's POV

We were all down at breakfast except Rose, Mal, Andi, and the newbie London. It was pretty calm for us but everyone was super jetlagged from traveling yesterday.

"I have an idea!" Kelley yells from her seat next to Alex.

"What Kel?" Press asks. 

"So you know how the rookie seems shy or whatever," She says. "We should fly her family here for our game!"

"That's a good idea, and we can ask one of the Washington girls to call them!" Sam replies.

"Ask when they come down," Allie tells us.

Five minutes later, Lindsey, Sam, and I were going to get them because they were taking too long.

"Which room is Rose in?"

"Mine. I left her cause she wouldn't wake up," Sam says leading us down the hall.

"And the others?"

"I don't know, I think Mal and London are in 365," Lindsey says.

"Great. And Andi?"

"370 right?" 

"I think so," Sam agrees.

"Great Lindsey go get Andi and I'll go wake up Mal and London!" I say. We split up and I knocked on the door.

"GOOD MORNING!" I yell. I continue knocking until London opens the door.

"What the hell?" She asks still tired.

"Good morning!"

"I heard. So is the building burning down or..."

"You guys need to come down for breakfast."

"Oh, alright I'll get Mal and we'll be down in a couple of minutes." I nod and head down to Sam's room.

London's POV

I sigh and throw a pillow at Mal.

"Breakfast," I tell her as she looks at me. I go into the bathroom and start doing my makeup to cover scars and whatnot.

By the time we get down to the meal room, most of the team has left and it's Kelley, Emily, Lindsey, Sam, Andi, and Rose.

I grab an apple and sit next to Rose.

"So, what's on the schedule for today?" I ask everyone.

"Training at noon then a meeting at four," Andi says reading from her phone.

"So, we have a surprise for you!" Emily says. She reminds me of Daan or Lisa, always hyper or doing something.

"What?" I ask.

"We invited your parents to come to our game!" Kelley tells me. I choke on my apple and put on a fake smile.

"Oh really! Thanks, guys!" They smile and I feel all of the Washington girls looking at me.

"I need to go do my hair before training, see you guys later," I say as an excuse to leave. My breathing quickens as I race up to my room. I lock myself in the bathroom and tears run down my face. I sink to the floor and cry. I pull out my phone and call the only person who will understand the gravity of the situation.


"J-Jack," I gasp out.

"Calm down, what happened? It's okay Aleid," She says.

"T-they i-invited th-them to the g-game."

"Okay, um, I'll invite them to mine and see if they'll come to mine instead!"

"They won't. They've probably been counting down the days to see me."

"Don't go with them. Say you have a team dinner or meeting, something."

"I'll try but Jack-"

"I know, I know Aleid. It'll be okay.  Some of the girls know so just talk to them about avoiding them."

"Okay, yeah. I'll do that."

"Okay, I need to go to training now so I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, bye."


I set my phone down and stood up. My face was red and blotchy so I covered it with makeup. I saw Mal sitting on her bed waiting for me.

"I had no idea London," She says.

"I know. But we need to come up with excuses."


"So I'm not alone with them. Like team stuff."

"Okay, I'll tell them we have a team dinner that's mandatory," She assures me.

"Thank you."

Mal filled Rose and Andi in on the plan while I straightened my hair.

"What if one of the girls is there, they'll know we don't actually have anything," Andi says.

"We can actually plan something. We'll convince Carli and boom! Actual team bonding!" Rose replies clapping her hands.

"This better work guys," I warn them from the bathroom.

"It will! Trust us. And, they don't know that we know so they shouldn't suspect anything."

"They know someone knows. You guys did kidnap me in London," I remind them. I unplug the iron and step out of the bathroom. "You've got to get hella good at lying."

"Already am, how do you think I am able to do so many pranks with Sonnett?" Rose says.

"Everyone already knows it is you," Andi scoffs.

"Regardless, it will be completely fine London. No one will find out, and they won't find out that we know," Mal tells me.

"I am warning you now. One slip up and I will never speak to you again."

Hope you guys enjoyed this! Leave some suggestions as to what you want to see in the next chapter. Hope everyone had a good week and has a good weekend!

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