The Thrill Expired

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Warning: Mentions abuse quite a bit

I sat outside a while longer and watched the sunrise. 

"How are you feeling?" Merel asked joining me on the balcony.

"I've probably been better. I'm not sure I've completely processed it yet. You know? I'm finally free from them!"

"I'm proud of you Elsje. I can't believe you had to go through any of that."

"Yeah, I don't think I believe it either," I chuckle. 

"Did Jackie know?"

"Yeah, she's known for a couple of months. Jill Roord knows too, and everyone on the Washington Spirit."

"I'm glad you had people to talk to," Merel says squeezing my hand.

"I didn't know how to tell you. Or anyone for that matter. I've wanted to for a while now. I knew I needed to, I just couldn't. Our mum's and such a good relationship and I didn't want to ruin that. I needed, I don't know. I've been using that excuse for ages now; it sounds worse every time. I don't know Merel. I didn't want to tell people, the Spirit found out on accident, so did Jackie. Jill. Jill figured out something was wrong and I told her."

"I didn't have people, I never talked about it unless it was the initial time I told them. They had my back when I needed it when I was hurt, but I never talked about it"

"You weren't obligated to talk about it. They didn't expect anything from you Elsje."

"Yeah, I talked with Jill earlier. Told her I called the police on them."

"You like her."

"Sorry?" I ask startled.

"Yeah, that's why you told her. You could have lied to her, you didn't, you told her. Jackie told me you were very close with Danielle, I would have thought you would've told her."

"Okay, that has nothing to do with how much I like them!"

"It does! Listen Elsje, you trust Jill, you have to like her at least a little bit!"

"You sound crazy Merel."

"No crazier than you," She laughs. "Let's wake Jackie up and go to the beach!"

We were laying on the beach enjoying the early morning sun. Merel was in the water while Jackie and I were lying on the sand.

"Merel tells me you like Jill."

"I'm going to kill her," I groan. 

"It's cute! You guys would be adorable, and I already know her and can tell you she's a great girl."

"Jackie, I'm not looking to date anyone right now."

"Not saying you are, just saying if you were"

"Are your parents coming?" I ask diverting the subject.

"Nope, they're staying in the Netherlands."

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking when I-"

"Please don't apologize for calling the cops on your parents,"
Merel says dropping onto the sand in front of us. 

At around three that afternoon I was sitting in the hotel. Jackie and Merel were just outside at the beach, and I may join them later. Now though, I needed to talk to Tori. I set my phone up on the dresser and face timed her. I sat on the bed waiting for her to pick up and I tried to think of how to say what I needed to.

"Hello? London, if everything alright?" Tori asks.

"Hi, everything's fine don't worry Tori," I say shakily.

"Are you in a hotel? I thought you would have gone to the Netherlands."

"I was, a couple of my cousins and I flew to the Cayman Islands. I need to talk to you though," I stand up and walk closer. "I called the police."

"On your parents?"


"How are you doing?" Tori ask. I can tell she's worried by how she's looking at me.

"Fine. It's weird though, the fact that I don't have to worry about them anymore."

"And are you okay?"

"Yeah, everything's alright T."

"Just making sure," There's a beat of silence before she starts asking another question. "Are you coming back to the Spirit? Your loan expires at the end of the month."

Shit. I had totally forgotten I was on loan, my contract was with the Spirit, not Arsenal. 

"I don't know. I don't exactly love the coach," I said scrunching my nose. He just didn't seem like a good guy to me.

"As long as you're happy London. If you don't want to play for Richie anymore then leave, I'll support you and I know a bunch of the other girls will as well."

"When you say it like that it's like you want me gone," I joke. "But thank you, I really needed to hear that."

"I know. That's why I said it, you deserve to be happy London. You don't have to stress about your parents now and I don't want you stressing over a coach."

"I don't know how I would have survived without you."

"You would have, I'm just a bonus," Tori smiles.

"Do you think they'll get out of prison?"

"No. I think you have a solid group of witnesses to testify against you, as well as scars. They're not getting out anytime soon."

"What if I did the wrong thing? They were good to me once! If I threw out their chance of becoming good again-"

"You didn't London. If they were going to change they would have."

"Are you sure?"

"Hundred percent."

After my call with Tori, I powered down my phone. I needed space and time to just think and process. The thrill of everything, the adrenaline, had long expired. 

"There you are! What do you want to do for dinner later?" Jackie asks coming into the room.

"I made a mistake Jack," I whisper.

"What was that?" Jackie asks having not heard me.

"I made a mistake."

"What do you mean?" She comes over and pulls me into a hug.

"My parents, they shouldn't be in jail for life," I whisper again. I've got tears streaming down my face as I try and deal with the information I knew but refused to accept. "They're my parents, I need them. I'm eighteen, I still need them, Jack."

"I've got you, what do you need?"

"I don't know! I don't know," I say gripping her tighter.

"It'll be okay, it'll be okay."

Fun. Katie's goal against Aston Villa though... that was class. Tough loss against Barca, but they're an amazing team. Hope everyone's having a great week. And yeah! Thanks everyone for the support!'

-rose x

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