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9:30 a.m.

"Things seem to have gotten more obviously wrong? How!"

"All those times you would leave is when someone would bring up your past, that typically signals that something isn't right," Daan explains.

"So you knew I don't like to talk about my past and went ahead and asked Rose to tell you about it? You do see how messed up that is right?" I ask.

"That wasn't the best idea, we probably should not have asked her. We're sorry London," Beth tells me. I look her in the eyes and can tell she's being sincere.

"I just need a minute to process this, it-it's a lot," I say. I go to my bedroom and shut the door, thinking of what they said.

"Was it really that obvious?" I ask myself. I look in my mirror and see my long hair in a tangled mess on the top of my head and my eyes are still watery. I take down my bun and start brushing the knots out of my hair.

I set my brush down and let my thoughts take over. 

They are this close to finding out, why not tell them?

Can I tell them? Do I even want to tell them?

Maybe I do, it might be good to have someone close who knows.

Maybe not though.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a hesitant knock on my door. I leaned back in my desk chair and sighed.


"It's Jill. Can I come in?"

"Sure," I say. I watch her open and shut the door as she sits on the foot of my bed.

"I think this is only the second or third time I've been in here," She says looking around.

"There's not much to see. Why are you in here?" I ask getting straight to the point.

"I think," She takes a breath and starts over. "I think I have an idea as to what's happening, I haven't talked about it with Beth or Daan yet. I wanted to ask you first because I hope it isn't what I think it is."

"And what do you think it is?" I ask quietly.

"When you first got her, I came in here and you were putting bandages on. Then throughout your time here, you are always the first one to change in the locker room. I haven't seen you in a tank top, or really anything that would show any of your back."

"What are you getting at?"

"Is someone hurting you London?" Jill asks me. I take a second to let her words sink in before panic fills me. How was it that obvious?

"Wh- How- What?"

"You don't have to tell me anything because I know you're still mad. And I won't talk about it with anyone regardless, but if you need someone to talk to I'm always here," She says walking to the door.

"Wait, Jill, I do need to talk about it," I say quickly before I can regret it. She sits back down and I let out a shaky breath.

"You're right. About what it is, and I'm sorry I lied to you-"

"You didn't lie London."

"No, I actually did. When my parents came to visit, and um I said they wouldn't hurt me," I explain slowly. I watch her connect the pieces and horror fills her eyes.

"London," She whispers.

"Nope. I didn't tell you so you could do that pity thing. I've done it way too many times."


"Jackie knows. I told her, or she found out, a little of both when she came to visit."

"When did she come to visit?" Jill asks confused.

"Right, I just said cousin. It was probably one of the times I almost gave Daan a heart attack."

"Ah, that clears it up."

"Jill, you really can't do anything," I tell her.

"I won't, but why didn't you tell Daan? Or Beth?"

"Daan would try and murder them and Beth would tell Daan, she can't keep something like this from her."

"I won't tell them."

"I know."

Jill comes over to wrap me in a hug and I allow her a few moments before pulling away.

"I'm not big on physical contact, for obvious reasons."

"Sorry, I should have thought about that," She apologizes.

"It's fine Jill, it was a little joke."

This is really short so sorry. But, I hope everyone from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, or any other affected state is okay and safe with their families. I am praying everyone in America can help you all get everything fixed up.

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