Trust? Never heard of it

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20 November

9:30 p.m.

"So what was this fight about?" Lia asks.

"It's stupid, she was asking me a bunch of questions about why I don't like hospitals and I got overwhelmed."

"It's not stupid London. You are allowed to get overwhelmed and need to process things alone, why did you get overwhelmed?" She asks. I swear she has a degree in therapy or something.

"Bad memories."

"Do you want to talk about them?"

I actually did pause to think on this one. 

"No, I think for now it's best they stay buried," I say carefully.

"Alright, I'm here whenever you are ready, okay?" Lia says.

"Thanks, Lia, that means a lot."

Daan's POV

7:30 p.m.

Beth and I were walking back up to the flat when London came down the stairs.

"Hey London, where are you headed?" Beth asked.

"Out," Is her simple response. I turn to go talk to her and Beth grabs my arm.

"Just let her go. She needs to clear her head."

"Yeah okay."

"Beth! Daan! Have you seen London just now?" Jill asks from up the stairs.

"Yeah, she just left. She also seemed mad, did something happen?" I ask.

"Yeah, sort of."

Back home we were sitting in the living area while Jill explained what happened.

"You just overstepped Jill, she'll get over it soon," Beth says.

"She just needs space," I assure her.

"Yes, but something isn't right with her! She was completely out of it when we were at the hospital and shuts down whenever someone even mentions going."

"Loads of people don't like hospitals Jill," Beth points out.

"I know, but this is different. I think there might be something wrong."

"Her last team messed her up, she said something about telling everyone something. It may have to do with that," I say remembering our conversation from October.

"What?" Beth asked.

"She wouldn't say what happened, or what they found out. Rose, she told everyone though."

"So we call her and ask what happened," Jill said.

"No. She needs to tell us on her own," I say.

"Daan, if she's not safe we need to know," Jill argues.

"She would tell us."

London's POV

5:12 a.m.

I woke up from a nightmare and checked my phone. I saw a couple of messages and missed calls from Rose, Mal, and Andi and cleared the notifications. I set my phone back down and pushed my hair back. I got out of bed and walked to the attached bathroom for some water. My phone started ringing again so I went back to the room to answer it.

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