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Sorry, this is a slower update!

<October 14, 2018>

London's POV

I woke up to my alarm blaring at 7:30. I turned it off and sat up in bed. I checked my phone and saw missed calls that I ignored and messages I also ignored. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Jill was making eggs when I walked into the kitchen so I sat at the counter.

"Good morning,"
"Good morning London!" She said happily. "Are you ready for your first Arsenal match?"

"Um, sure. It'll be good to watch and learn how the teams play."

"Stop selling yourself short. You need to stop telling yourself you're not going to play." she warned.

"Fine, it will be good to be here for a game and see the atmosphere," I said.

Beth and Daan walked into the kitchen and got coffee.

"Goedemorgen Daan!" Jill said making Daan glare at her.

"Goodmorning Daan!"

"Het is te vroeg," She mumbled.

"It is too early."

"Het is 8 uur!"
"It's 8 am!"

"Precies, te vroeg,"

"Exactly too early,"

We got our stuff together and headed to the stadium to get on the bus that would take us to Chelsea's stadium. I was sitting with Jill and Katie on the bus. Everyone was doing their own thing, chatting with each other, or doing a pre-game routine. I had earbuds in listening to my music and going over notes I had on Chelsea. I was reviewing Erin Cuthbert when Jackie called, I put my pen in the pages and accepted it.

"Hi!" I whispered.

"Hi London, are you on the bus?" She asked.

"Yeah, almost there."

"Ok, I'll make this quick, I'm really proud of you for everything you've done. I have a feeling you'll play, so good luck! I love you so much Aleid, and I promise to see you soon," Jackie said.

"You're making me cry," I said softly. "I love you too Jackie, and I'm holding you to your promise."
"Good, I'm going to go now. Bye!"

"Who was that?" Katie asked.

"My cousin."
"I need to meet her!" Jill exclaimed.

"One day," I assured her as we got off the bus.

We went into the locker room and I put my kit on before starting on my hair. Usually, Tori, my Spirit mom, would put it in 2 braids but she wasn't here. I decided to still do braids myself and started.

I walked to the bench with Katie and soon the game started.

Kim started the scoring early with a successful penalty, and 17 minutes later Viv doubled our lead. We carried it to half time and filed into the locker room.

"We're planning on subbing London and Katie in later in the second half for Kim and Beth. So London you will get your first appearance. You two go warm up a bit." Joe said. I followed Katie out to the pitch and we started warming up.

"Congrats kid!" She said hugging me. I flinched slightly and covered it with a laugh.

"Thanks Katie,"

I was subbed on in the 65 minute and high fived Kim.

"You'll do great." Were her words to me. I nodded and ran onto the pitch. Jordan and Viv scored in the 52 and 57 minutes respectively.

A couple minutes after I was subbed in Jordan played the ball past the defenders. I ran on to it and took a look at the goal. I fancied my chances so I struck the ball to the top right corner. I watched it as it curved in and the keeper failed to get a hand on it. I stood in shock until Daan came over and jumped on me.

"That's how you debut!" She cheered. I smiled and high fived the girls. I loved that they were happy for me but I had to be able to run around for the next 20 or so minutes.

The whistle finally blew and I took a deep breath. I went around high fiving the Chelsea girls till I got to Millie.

"Nice to see you London, She said pulling me in a hug.

"Yeah, it's been a while since you took a trip to Houston," I teased.

"Pretty busy," She shot back playfully. "By the way, good goal."

"Thanks, learned from the best!"


"I meant Rachel but you're good too," I said playfully.

"Knew it!" She smiled.

"You helped a lot though. We both know Rachel couldn't have done it alone."

Millie laughed. "True."

After our catch up I went around to sign some things. I was finishing my lap when someone called out to me.

"LONDON!" I looked around a frowned when I saw them. I wanted to ignore them but I went over anyway.

"Hi Tori, Mal, Rose."

"Good to see you London," Rose said timidly.

"How are you feeling? With, everything?" Mal asked.

"It doesn't matter. I'm not discussing it and it's why I left."

"I like your hair," Tori told me. My expression softened.

"Thanks, Mama T, I didn't have you to do it but I tried." 

"It's good." She assured me.

"Look, I really don't want to see you guys. I trusted you and you broke it." I said playing with the pen.

"I know, but I was looking out for you," Rose pleaded.

"I can't. It- I just- no," I sighed walking away. I went to the locker room and got changed out of my kit.

"Congrats London!" Beth said.

"Thanks," I said with a fake smile. I was trying to plan out my evening, I had to deal with my injuries and Jackie would probably call at some point. I sighed and decided to worry about it later. I followed Beth onto the bus and put earbuds in leaning my head against the window.

That's all for this chapter! I may lose power tomorrow and Monday so the next update may take longer like this one. Sorry, this one is shorter but I've been busy. Hope all my American readers had a good Thanksgiving and everyone is staying safe! Thanks for reading!

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