Everton Away

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November 18

London's POV

It's been a while since my fall and I was back training and Joe had told me I may go in for a couple of minutes of today's match against Everton. 

I had woken up bright and early at six since we had to be at the grounds at eight because the game was at like 10 something. Anyways, I was the only responsible one so I had to wake up every other person in the house. Jill was my first victim because I wanted her to wake up Daan and Beth because Daan is scary.

"Good morning Jill! We have to leave soon for the game remember !" I said while shaking her. She didn't move so I grabbed one of her pillows and hit her with it.

"Wake up Jill!"  This time she rolled over and glared at me to which I smiled in return. 

"Good morning!" I say.

"What time is it?"

"We have a game today Jill, it's six a.m.."


After Jill was awake I convinced her to wake everyone else up while I checked the times again. So far, we should have enough time to get there, unless the car breaks down or we get in a crash.

"Good morning London," Beth says as she enters the kitchen.

"Morning Beth, we should leave here at seven forty so we have enough time to get here so we have an hour and thirty-five minutes."

"I'll start some breakfast then, are you cleared to play?"

"I think if I am it's for like less than ten minutes."

"Well it's good you're playing again," Beth says.

"Yeah, it's certainly progress."

"You realize it's still dark out, right?" Daan asks as she sits next to me at the table.

"I do realize that Dani, but now you can see the sunrise. And we won't be late," I tell her.

"The game's in four hours!"

"We have to be there two hours early," I remind her.

"Think about it Daan, we haven't been late when we've gone with London's schedule," Jill points out.

"I know we haven't," She mumbles.

We finally got to the stadium and I had to practically drag Daan into the locker room. I was just happy to be able to be on the bench again at this point.

"Slow down London, we're early, you're not going to miss anything," Jill said grabbing my arm. I quickly shook out of her grip and cleared my throat.

"I know, but it's good to be early. Early is on time and on time is late," I recited.

"What's late?" Daan asks.

"Never found out."

We entered the locker room and I walked over to my locker and smiled once I saw my kit hanging up. Number 12.

I talked with Viv and Jill before we went out to warm-up, Viv was next to me in the locker room and Jill was 'bored'. I sat on the bench and leaned back so I was looking up at the kit upside down. Someone, probably Daan with the help of Viv or Jill, had put a picture higher on the locker wall of my first cap with the USWNT. I was laughing with Lindsey after the game, it was short-lived once I saw my parents but the picture was cute. 

"You're going to hurt your neck," I look up and see Leah standing in front of me.

"I was looking at that picture," I explain.

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