Off Day

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"Hi, I'm London Adair."

"I'm Beth Mead, and this is What Do You Know."

"Who's first?" I ask. "Rock Paper Scissors to decide," Beth answers. She wins and the producer gives us the topic. "Teams Arsenal has plays in the league."

"Chelsea," Beth says starting us off. "Tottenham."

We go through a majority of the teams until she gets stuck. "Have we said Man City?" She asks. "Yeah, I said it third or something," I remind her. "How many are left?" She asks. "Two more."

"How much time has she got!"

"Shh, I'm thinking!" Beth says. "Five, four," I start counting down. "Liverpool?"

"Yep. Now to London with one left."

"I was really counting on you getting it wrong," I tell her. "Um, Everton?"

"Nope, already said!" Beth says. "Well now it's back to you so pressure's on," I say laughing.

"I've got no clue. I'm just going to pass it back to you."

"Dang it Beth, I needed more time to think! Can I have a hint? Was I here when we played them?" I ask the producer.

"You came in October?" He asks, I nod in response. "No, played them in September."

"Oh great. Back to you then Beth!" I said taking the strike. "Oh! It's, oh hang on a minute I've almost got it," She says waving her hands. "Have you actually?" I ask her. "It was Yeovil?"

"Yes, point to Beth."

"I'm going to catch you Mead," I say.

"Unlikely Adair."

"I told you Beth!" I said jumping on her back as we walked to photos.

"Yeah, yeah. You weren't half bad at the end."

"Thanks, you weren't horrid in the first half," I respond. "I'm tired."

"It's your fault for staying up all night doing who knows what!" Beth says dropping me. "I was talking to Mal! And, my lawyer."

"Everything alright?"

"Oh yeah, just a stalker uncle. You know, the usual."

"I think I missed something along the way. You have a stalker uncle?" She asks stopping me on the path.

"Possibly. Anyway, we have bigger things to worry about, for example the FA Cup Semi-final against Manchester United. Then the Women's Cup against Chelsea. A lot going on Beth!"

"That's not bigger than-"

"Yes, it is. So, let's go take some pictures than go home and sleep!"

"You're ridiculous. Let's go," She says. We take the solo pictures and I go to the indoor fields to take pictures with the ball.

"Just do some keepy-ups and we'll get some footage." I agree and take the ball and start doing keepy-ups. Someone came up behind me and scared me causing me to kick the ball away.

"Leah!" I shout once I see her. "Consider it pay back London."

"I only had a small part in that!" I protest. "Small part is still a part," She says laughing.

We finally get to go home and I change into a large t-shirt and shorts and get in bed. "London, oh sorry," Jill says coming in my room. "All good Jill. What's up?" I ask her sitting up more. "Just wanted to hang out with you." I gesture for her to join me on my bed and she comes over and sits next to me. "We should do something tomorrow. Beth and Daan are going to meet Beth's parents and are going to be gone most of the day," she says playing with my hair. "Yeah, what do you have in mind?"

"Do you want to stay here or go out?" She asks. "Can I pick tomorrow?" I ask. "Sure. We'll plan it tomorrow." We turned on a movie and I cuddled into her.

I woke up with my head on Jill's chest with her arms around me. I tilted my head to look at the clock and saw the bright red numbers. 7:45 a.m. I put my head back down and closed my eyes. "I know you're awake London," Jill mutters against my hair. "I know. It's almost time to get up anyway."

"So what are you feeling?" Jill asks wrapping her arms around me tighter. "Stay in, you?"

"Stay in."

"Are you just saying that cause it's what I said? We can go out if you want to Jilly."

"I want to just stay in with you. I promise." She kisses the top of my head and I close my eyes again. "Okay. So, we can stay in bed longer?" I ask turning to look at her. "Let's go get some coffee, get some food, then come back and we don't have to go out again."

"Okay," I got out of bed and picked out a pair of black jeans and a white sweater. "Are you getting up?" I ask Jill whose still laying in bed. She rolls her eyes and gets out of bed. "Meet my in the kitchen when you're ready." I nod and change into my outfit. I walk out into the kitchen sitting next to Beth. "Excited to see your parents?" I ask her. "Yeah, I haven't seen them in a while so it'll be a nice way to spend the day."

"Has Daan met them before?" I ask. "Yep, they love her!"

"That's good."

"So what are you and Jill doing today?" She asks. "Going to grab coffee and breakfast then just coming back here to chill."

"Fun, we should go out for dinner when Daan and I get back!"

"That would be great! I'll tell Jill about it."

"Great, and I'll let Daan know," Jill walks into the kitchen dressed in jeans and a red shirt with a coat. "You two have fun, be safe, responsible, all the things Daan isn't!" Beth says. "Thanks Beth," I laugh getting off the stool.

"Slow down Jill! You're speeding!" I tell her. "Everyone speeds!"

"You're going twenty over Jill. Slow down and stop driving like Daan. Does Viv drive like this?"

"Fine, fine, slowing down. And no, Viv does not drive this way." We somehow managed to get to the coffee shop in one piece and get our things. "I'm driving us home Jill."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Beth and I made plans for the four of us to go out for dinner tonight."

"Ooh, fun where?" She asks. "We didn't get that far."

We found a football game on and sat on the couch with our breakfast. "Are you excited for the World Cup?" She asks. "Of course I am! Might not make the team, I haven't been on it long, but it would be fun to go and watch too."

"Don't say that! You have just as much a chance as anyone else to make the team London. I'll see you in France."

"Either way, I'll see you in France. But for now, we can just stay here in England and enjoy the cold, cloudy weather."

"Yep. Now, important question: Ronaldo or Messi?"

"Messi, and you?"

"Messi as well."

Beth, Daan, Jill, and I ended up at a sushi place for dinner. We had settled on a late dinner so Beth and Daan could take Beth's parents to the train station.
"So what did you two do all day?" Daan asks.

"Stayed at the house. You two?" Jill asks. "Went around London, saw some of the sights here," Daan said. "Daan, who taught you and Jill how to drive?" I ask her. "We almost died this morning."

"We didn't almost die London. Stop being so dramatic," Jill says. "Why do you think I drive like Jill?" Daan asks. "You do Daan. I'm the only one who should be driving the two of us places!" Beth tells her. "Strange how the two who learned to drive in the Netherlands are the most reckless," I point out. "Funny, London. Funny," Jill says hugging me.

Hope this slightly cheers everyone after the match today. I don't understand Jordan not playing, she's easily one of the best midfielders in the world. They weren't playing like it was a Cup Final. Anyway, enjoy you're weeks and Happy Hanukkah to everyone who celebrates it.

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