After much consideration and a little bit of a pep talk from Kim, Demi had decided to resume filming for KUWTK just in time for Muse's first birthday because she wanted Muse to have all of these memories to go back to. Of course, Cristo went back to doing his own vlogging but this way, they would never miss a moment, and Demi couldn't wait until Muse was old enough to be able to really cherish these memories.

Cristo had wanted to rent out Disneyworld in Paris just for Muse – and the rest of her cousins, of course – but Demi had argued that spending all that money was pointless because Muse couldn't really do much there anyway, and she definitely wouldn't remember it either. Demi had in turn come up with the idea of going to Havana, Cuba, because that was where they had actually conceived Muse. If she was old enough she'd probably be a little grossed out, but Demi thought that it would be a good trip for them because the last time they had been there was their honeymoon. After the year they had, Demi just wanted to have a good trip with her husband and her daughter, and she hoped that taking them to a place where their love had conceived their daughter would do that.

They had spent all day exploring, taking tours through the different museums and walking through some of the markets to buy the local products before coming back to the hotel to chill for a little bit. Everyone had actually come on vacation this time – even Kourtney – and they all decided to take the kids down to the pool before dinner. Demi had insisted on taking a mommy and me swimming class with Muse so she wasn't as scared to have her in the water as she used to be. They still stayed in the shallow side though.

Demi just couldn't get over how cute her baby looked in her little two-piece swimsuit. It was cream and with a little bow on the back of the bottoms, so Demi had put a matching headband on her too and she just looked so adorable. She was happily splashing around on the steps in the shallow part of the pool with Demi sitting right behind her.

"Demi, this was such a good idea," Kourtney said, happily splashing her feet in the water as she watched Reign jump into the pool.

"I know right. I'm a certified genius," Demi giggled, pulling Muse's headband back a little bit because she kept tugging it forward like she was trying to take it off.

"What do you have to do when you get back?" Khloe asked, adjusting True in her lap next to Demi.

"We have a photoshoot that I tried to get out of but we couldn't so as soon as we get back they're coming to the house to shoot," Demi said, her mood momentarily ruined as she thought about the photoshoot that Kris had told her she couldn't get out of. It was for People and it was because they wanted to do a story on Demi and Cristo. When Demi had first agreed to it, it sounded like a good idea but as the months went on, she began to regret her decision.

"Wow, you're finally doing something work related? That's surprising," Kim said as she came and sat down on the other side of Demi. Chi reached for Muse like she wanted to hug her, but she ended up splashing Muse instead, startling the younger girl.

"Chi!" Kim scolded. Demi waited to see if Muse was going to cry but instead she let out a loud squeal and started to giggle. Ugh, her daughter was just too freaking cute.

Muse turned around and stood up, placing her hands on Demi's shoulders for balance as Demi wrapped her arms around her and kissed her chubby cheeks.

"Mama!" Muse's first word was "mama" but it still made Demi so excited every time she heard it. She could also say "da," "no," and "yeah" but those were the only words that Demi definitely knew she was saying so far. Everything else still sounded like mindless baby babble.

"Je t'aime beacoup, Muse," Demi cooed, kissing her cheek again as Muse grinned and happily squealed. Demi would do anything in the world to keep Muse as happy as she was right now.

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