Chapter 11

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When they got back to Nico's apartment Will didn't bother asking to come in. Nico still hadn't let go of Will's hand so they just sat on his brown leather couch.

//Time skip a few hours//

Nico made hot cocoa for Will and coffee for himself. Will glanced at Nico, giving him a disapproving look but kept his mouth shut. "As he should '' Nico thought. He took a deep breath taking in all the textbooks that were strewn across Nicos living room floor.

As they worked on the immense amount they had to get through they talked. About life, their backstories. Nico told Will about Bianca or Bi as he liked to call her. How Percy and all of their friends had gone to an abandoned junkyard and they didn't let Nico come. How Percy had promised Nico that Bi would come home and she didn't. And how to this day nobody has told him how she died. He suspected that something fell on her but he didn't go to the funeral so he wasn't sure. And Will told Nico about his stepdad not accepting that he likes guys and how sometimes he just couldn't take it anymore. They both left things out but their understanding wass clear. They were friends now. Maybe not at school. But here, where no one else was they were friends.

When the two boys were finally done, they were about ready to pass out from exhaustion. They plopped on the couch, covered themselves in blankets and promptly passed out.

// time jump to am//

Nico woke up first. He was wrapped up in a very heavy blanket and when his eyes finally adjusted he saw that "blanket" was actually a person. A person with tan skin and lots of freckles. Nico couldn't help noticing how long Will's eyelashes were. Like his hair they were blonde so you couldn't see them from far away.

When Nicos legs started to fall asleep he was forced to wake Will. His eyes fluttered open in a groggy sort of way after he blinked the dust bunnies out of them he stared at Nico.

"hi." He said giving Nico a lopsided smile that made Nico blush.

"Sorry I woke you but we have school in an hour and I can't get up."

"Oops!" Will said and quickly tried to move off of Nico, failing miserably. Both of them tumbled to the floor, getting themselves even more tangled. When they finally managed to untangle themselves, school started in 15 minutes.

"You can shower first. You smell the worst." Nico said to Will smiling as he made his way to the kitchen to make coffee. Will laughed but agreed after smelling himself.

"Alright. I guess I'll see you soon then."

// time jumps to when they both showered n' stuff. //

"Okay so i'm going to call a taxi for you so that you can check in with your mom before you head to school and then you're gonna act like you didn't just stay over at my house for the night when you get to school. Sound good?"

"Uhh yup!" Will said, putting his shoes on and heading out the door. Nico called the cab for Will then waited a few minutes before calling one for himself since he didn't have time to walk today. Once he got in the car he started sorting all the papers in his backpack by class period so he could just hand them in simply before going to sit down. He wasn't worried about his dad sending anyone today after what went down last night.


When Will got home he ran to the kitchen as quickly as he could.

"Hi mom! Sorry I gotta go or I'm gonna be late." He said.

"William dear! Thank goodness you're alright. Where were you! I was so worried."

"Sorry I didn't call, I was with a friend studying and he lives kinda far away so I crashed on the couch. I really have to go now but I love you and yes I already ate." Will said as he ran out the door making sure to lock it behind him.

Ok Back To Neeks

Nico arrived exactly as Will did. They made eye contact for a moment and WIll winked at him, making Nico's face turn pink. Nico shook it off and walked into the school building. Determined not to let this stupid boy affect him.

(A/N Okayyyyy this is the third chapter I'm writing today and I'm pooped. Hope you enjoyed it and feel free to comment and vote if u want.0

blanket buddies solangelo AUWhere stories live. Discover now