Chapter 4

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When Will arrived at school he went straight to the office to welcome the new student. He had forgotten the kid's name but was excited to meet him. When he arrived there was a short kid standing in the corner, his back to Will.

He made his way to the front desk to ask Ms.H where the new kid he was meeting was. He found her with a mess of papers around her looking quite frazzled.

(A/N Ms. H is Hestia btw)

"Hi Ms. H. I'm here to show the new student to his classes?"

"Ah yes. Mr. Di' Angelo. He's right over there."

"Thanks." Will walked over to the short kid he assumed was the new student and tapped him on the shoulder. As soon as the kid turned around he recognized him immediately. He was the kid from his dream! Will took a step back, surprised. His first thought was that the kid, Nico was his name and looked even hotter in person. His second thought was fear because the kid had a glare in his eye so strong you felt like you had to look away.

"Hi." Nico said his chocolate brown eyes softened when he looked at Will.

"Hi." WIll said back suddenly feeling shy and overwhelmed. He felt a warm feeling start at his toes then make its way up to his chest. For the first time he notices the perfect shape of his lips and his messy straight-ish hair. Wait, that doesn't make sense in Will's dream Nico had curly...

"Um, Hello?" Nico said, waving his hand in front of Will's face giving him a confused look.

"huh?" Will said, snapping back into reality.

"I said what's your name?" He repeated.

"Oh! I'm Will." Will exclaimed, giving Nico his award winning smile. He handed Nico his schedule and told him he would be coming with him to his first class to make sure he could get around. Their first class was English. Will couldn't help noticing how bored Nico looked. It was almost like he was writing the answers with his eyes closed.

"Do you already know all of this or something?" Will asked, confused. Nico just replied,

"Yes." Nothing more, no explanation or anything just "Yes". God, this kid was strange.

//Time Jump to Lunch//

At lunch, Will headed over to the table where all the other football players sat with their girlfriends. As he sat down he heard one of the guys, Percy and his girlfriend Annabeth talking.

"So Nicos really here? Oh gods! Percy, he's going to kill you!" Jason one of the other guys laughed and said,

"So your cousins are mad at you, who cares? What's he gonna do? Throw a fit?" Percy got a dark look in his eyes.

"No. He's going to murder me. He thinks I killed his sister and he's basically a trained assassin." Will got a wide look in his eyes.

"Seriously? I showed him around today and he seemed on edge all morning, like someone was following him and his phone was ringing off the hooks!" Percy gave Will a look and said,

"Someone is following him."

(A/N OoooOoOo the suspense! ofc we already know but still. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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