Chapter 20 : The Third Summer

Start from the beginning

"I always drive on the left lane, it's you who's stupid okay!"

"Don't swear when you lose ah, no class. Look at the front properly."

He didn't drive 50 metres before Wei Yu shouted, "Big sis* ah, right lane!"

Xiao Di: "Sis your little sis!**"
*[Big sis is similar to my god]
**[Your little sis is similar to your mom in English, basically swearing.]

Me: "......" This relationship's become complicated.

Xi Diao shouted at me, "Sis ah, tell him to shut up, so annoying!"

Me: "I'm used to it."

Them: "......"

Mother bought a puppy to raise, Xiao Di loves pets and he would dote on it using all kinds of methods. In the morning I walked past his room, when I opened the door, I saw him conversing with the puppy, "May I help you? ......No? Ok, Can you help me?" Wearing clothes-ing......

Xiao Di spent his summer vacation at home and whenever he had the time, he would play games. Thus, my mother asked me, "Does he still have hope?"

I haven't spoken when through the open study room door, Xiao Di shouted over, "I know how I'm doing, you guys don't have to worry!"

Later, I asked him, "How do you know how you're doing?"

Xiao Di: "Games and studies need to be grasped in two hands, both hands must be strong."


At night, I went with Xiao Di to walk the puppy. He conversed with the puppy the whole way, "Did you have enough to eat for dinner?"

Puppy: "Woof."

"Not full ah, but I told yo to eat more so why didn't you eat? You're always wanting more later, it's very hard for me!"

I started laughing.

Xiao Di continued, "As long as you stick with me, you'll will flourish in the future."

Puppy: "Woof woof!"

Xiao Di: "That's right! Call me boss."

Puppy: "Woof!"

Xiao Di: "Good! Later I'll teach you how to play games."

Dog: "Woof woof woof!"

Me: "......"

Xiao Di was chatting with his friends and I stood behind him and read it for a while. I saw him typing some: You mum's (later I found out it meant: fuck) balabala (completely English). Then the other person sent: It should be your mum......

Xiao Di: "Differences in culture is the most annoying!"

I slapped his head, "Speak with more care."

Xiao Di turned, "Sis, I have the most manners in my class."

"I don't believe you."

"It's true, I never say fuck, I only say shit."

I was speechless, there's not much difference between the two.

I went to the supermarket with Xiao Di and Xu Wei Yu. Although we rarely went together, but it is always a soul stirring experience.

Wei Yu: "You push the cart."

Xiao Di: "Do you think that young master, I, is made for pushing carts?"

Wei Yu: "That's true, alright, then you sit in the cart."

Xiao Di: "You go die, go die!"

I pushed the cart between them and walked away.

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