Chapter 02 | Good Day Mr. Ryder

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"Margo always loved mysteries. And in everything that came afterward, I could never stop thinking that maybe she loved mysteries so much that she became one."

- John Green, Paper Towns


Chapter 02 | Good Day Mr. Ryder

Standing in front of the full-length mirror in the room, I looked at the girl standing there. She was 5"5" tall , thin, with kinda long brown hair. She was wearing a black spaghetti-strap dress that came till mid thighs.

With the dress went a pair of black leather ankle length roman sandals. Simple. To go with the look was just a touch of eyeliner, but nothing else. Completing the look was her good luck charm: a silver skateboard with the word ''Ryder'' etched on it.

Why a skateboard? She didn't skateboard. It had been given to her by her mother. "Ryder'' was written on it because it was the name of her mother's first boyfriend, back in her senior year, a skateboarding champion. Sentimental because it was him who had led her to mirror girl's dad.

In other words, mirror girl was me.

After Luke and I came home from school we both took a shower and afterwards dad called us into the living room to talk about the phone call. At that point, I knew something big had happend. He never did that unless well, something big happened.

"Kira, Luke. Sit down. We need to talk.'' he said. Now when that phrase comes in, someone did something big.

"My best friend throughout middle school, high school and college, Henry Ryder and his wife, died yesterday in the plane crash over the Pacific.'' he said in a grave tone.

Luke just sat there, unmoving. My hand flew up to my mouth in shock.

"Henry has two children who live in Middlesex, England. They will be coming here for the funeral, as it was their father's wish to be buried here, in San Francisco. No one knew why. After the funeral, they will be staying with us.''

''How old are they, Dad?" was Luke's next question.

''Jace is seventeen and Annalise is six. Jace will be going to Brookside, and Annalise will go to Lakeside Primary. It's all fixed.''

I was shocked. I mean, to lose both parents in one go was just terrible. I myself knew how losing one parent felt, having lost my mother at the age of thirteen when Luke was ten and she divorced my dad. We don't see her that regularly anymore.

Jolting me back to reality, Luke barged into my room. "KIRA!!!'' he yelled impatiently, ''Dad says we need to leave for the funeral NOW!!!"

"Luke. How many times have I told you not to barge into my room?!'' Like please, knocking is something that boy needed to learn.

"Just be down in five'' was his reply to that. To all you guys out there, with annoying younger siblings, believe me, I feel your pain.

Sighing, I took one last look at myself, grabbed my clutch with my phone, wallet, and other required items, and went downstairs.

Luke was waiting at the bottom of the stairs playing on his phone and listening to music

''Wow. You look smokin' hot.'' He said obviously to get on my nerves, which he successfully accomplished.

''The hell Luke?! Who are you and what have you done to my annoying little brother?''

''Nothing, Kira. That's just what we say in school to impress girls, I think. And anyways I was just practicing. But, on you less is more, and this time, I mean it.''

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