Chapter 09 | Sick But Still Sexy

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"Never let a boy know you're crazy about him. He'll lose interest, and then you'll be a loser."

- Hailey Abbott, Getting Lost with Boys


Chapter 09 | Sick But Still Sexy

I woke up in the morning with a severe headache. I didn't remember much about yesterday but I know I didn't get a hangover. I turned around just a little bit to see Jace peacefully sleeping besides me, his arms wrapped around my waist.

I was having doubts about last night now before everything came back to me and I remembered the panic attack and Jace coming and helping me and me asking him to stay.

As he slept he looked peaceful and that he had no care in the world, you could even mistake him to be 15. The peacefulness was destroyed when you realized that he was indeed shirtless and in just pajama pants.

Was he really shirtless last night?

I slowly moved myself out of his arms being sure not to wake him and rolled besides him and laid there just staring at the ceiling. I turned to look at Jace again and his perfect shirtless chest displaying its perfect poster like abs were making it really hard to think straight.

I nudged his shoulder and he just groaned and shifted a bit before going straight back to sleep.

"Pst Jace! Wake up." I whispered at him.

"5 more minutes mum." he answered in this swoon worthy morning voice which brought out his stupid English accent.

Swoon worthy I tell you. All of him.

I sighed and pushed myself up off the bed as I walked towards the bathroom to do the stuff I was supposed to do before school.

I quickly showered and brushed my teeth and changed into some high waisted shorts and a faded black flannel shirt. I left my hair out and toped it of with a beanie and tied the laces to my simple chuck taylors.

I don't put make up on.

Don't judge, I can hear you.

As I left my room I noticed one thing: I changed in a room with a sleeping boy in it (for his own sake, he should have been asleep), imagine if he was for some reason awake. I was mortified of the thought.

Ryder better have been asleep

It was around nine when I went downstairs and noticed that school started in fifteen minutes.


I saw Luke siting at the dining table silently munching on some cereal, with Annalise sitting besides him, chirping away about yesterday. Luke was good this way. Always woke up on time and did what he was told.

"I knew you would wake up late so I made a bowl of lucky charms for you, its in the kitchen." I kissed him on the forehead and walked of to the kitchen to get my cereal.

Those of you who have siblings, I want you to cherish them life long.

School started in five minutes and I wasn't even worried a little bit because Jace and I had math and Mrs Clarks wasn't going to be there today so getting to school on time wasn't my top priority.

Luke finished his cereal and carried his bag as he walked out of the door. "I took a ten from your wallet for lunch, don't kill me."

"Oh and I'll drop Annalise off." He added before shutting the front door.

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