Chapter 20 | Making Ends Meet

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"You know, my main goal in life is trying not to end up in a straightjacket."

- Tom Upton, Vanished, Freaky Jules, book #1


Chapter 20 | Making Ends Meet

🌙J A C E P O V🌙

"Dude me and Adam are watching Saw tonight you should come and join us, just us guys you know." Drew said while we were leaving Calculus class.

"Yeah sure that'll be awsome, I'll be over by four." He nodded and walked of towards the cafeteria, crowded areas with bitchy teenagers wasn't really my thing.

I didn't feel like going to the cafeteria so I walked towards the lockers.

Conscience: Lets do something fun, what do you say?

Me: What's your idea of fun?

Conscience: Lets go with something illegal shall we.

Me: Hell no conscience, I'm not going to jail, again.

I don't even remember going to jail,I was way too drunk. Actually that's an understatement.

I look back to the picture which Kira had returned to me yesterday. It was if it was just yesterday that the picture was taken, cliche I know.

I slid my back down the locker and sat down admiring the silence, taking it in.

Silence scared me.

It reminded me that everything I once had was now gone.

That I was alone.

Emphasis on was. I have friends now, family even that I can depend on. I think.


"Come on Troye, hurry up otherwise the ice cream man will leave." I yelled as I bounced up and down in front of my brother.

"Hold on buddy, at least let me put my coat on in peace and tie your shoe laces otherwise you'll trip and fall." he knelt down helping me tie the loose strands of string together.

"You don't have to help me anymore, I'm old enough and I can do it myself because after all I'm not six anymore, I'm eight." I say giving him a slight push away from me.

"No matter how old you are I'll be there to help wether you want it or not, because that's what brothers are for." I smile at the thought and run forward leaving Troye lagging behind.

He catches up real quick which I find really unfair. "I'll make you a deal, we'll race to the ice cream man and if you win you can get two flavors and because I'm feeling generous, if you lose you'll have to share with me." I nod suddenly, eager to win so that I can get the second scoop.

"On your mark, get set, go!" I push of making a lead as Troye runs after me, I start to slow down a little because my open shoe lace is bothering me.

Troye takes the chance to run in front making me lose, with both my shoe laces open again.

"You lost little brother which means you have to share with me." I scrunch my nose up in disgust after seeing how sweaty we both were. Mum would be really angry if she saw us now.

"It's not fair, my shoe laces opened up again." pointing down to my feet so I can prove my point.

"Well I suppose I can let you win so lets get going."

"Stop!" I yell. "Aren't you gonna help me with my shoe laces." making big eyes which should be hard to resist.

"I thought you were old enough to do it yourself because that's what you had said Jace."

"Well you said you'd always be there to help me wether I wanted it or not because thats what brothers are for." I complained.

He stops to think, silently chuckling to himself. But he doesn't say anything and instead he ties my shoe laces back again and carries me onto his shoulders giving me a piggy back ride.

"Lets go get you your ice cream, shall we."


"That was amazing, bloody amazing!" We had finished saw, and man was I happy I went over because that move was wicked.

"We tried convincing the girls to watch it but they backed out and hey if I wanted to watch a movie with my brother I'd watch barbie or something." Drew stated

"Why barbie, wouldn't you want to watch something more according to your taste, huh Drew? Like fairy Ethiopia or something."

"Nothing personal guys but why the hell do you guys know so much about this stuff?"

"Hmm, good question. Well you see, we have to babysit our six year old cousin every Tuesday afternoon and she watches this shity princess stuff and she makes us watch it with her. You should get Annalise to hang out with her, it'll be fun."

I nodded agreeing as I walked over to the shelves on the side of the room which were littered with photos of Drew and Adam and their older sister Grace.

One photo particularly caught my attention but before I could say anything Grace walked in. "Hey boys, mum wants you in the kitchen for dinner." Grace was in college with Victoria's brother, but she came home pretty regularly given that her college wasn't that far away.

"What are you looking at Jace?" Grace asks peeing over my shoulder at the picture. I pointed to the boy next to Adam and Drew even though I already knew who it was.

"Who's that?" Trying to sound as if I really don't know.

"Ask the boys, they'll know." and she walked of perhaps to go do something college girls do.

"Who's that?" Bringing the frame over to the couch. "Oh that, that's Jonathan. He was a dude who we used to be best friends with in New York, great guy he was."

"You talk as if he's dead."

"Well you never know, he moved away ten years ago so you never know if he was ever run over by a bus or something." I made a face at that.

"Guys." they turned their heads towards me. "Tell me everything you know about this Jonathan guy?" they nodded and began.

"Well he never exactly told us his last name but we found out anyway, Jonathan Ryder. He used to go to school with us and play football with us. He had shaggy, light brown hair and brown eyes and he was English and girls loved him. Yep I guess that sums it up." Drew commented.

"Oh look we just described you as a little kid, you sure you don't have a little brother instead of a sister." Adam muses.

I gave them a slight smile, trying to throw them a hint which they were obviously not catching.

Think Jace, think. Think of one prominent feature Jonathan had and still does.

"Did the guy have any prominent features like a scar or something, or something?"

Adam thought for a moment. "He had a scar on his forehead but you could never really see it unless he moved his hair up."

I push my hair up slightly to reveal a small white scar which was so light you could miss it if you didn't know where to look. "A scar like this?"

"Yes like that! Jace what the hell are you trying to say? We just watched a horror movie ok, our brain cells are dead. What are you implying."

Let's get this over with

"I'm trying to say that, if I told you I was your friend, Jonathan, would you believe me?" I asked with an uneasy smile.


Yay more identities revealed, but I guess you guys could predict this one. Don't be a silent reader, tell me what you think. I wasn't feeling well so I'm sorry if this was short.

~ the one percent

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