Chapter 29 | Apologies

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"Hercules, huh? That guy was like the Starbucks of Ancient Greece. Everywhere you turn--there he is."

- Rick Riordan, The Mark of Athena, The Heroes of Olympus, book #3


Chapter 29 | Apologies

I woke up a couple of hours later feeling quite dizzy and drained out, perhaps because of all the blood I gave.

I wonder how Jace was doing?

"Happy to see you're finally awake and not dead sister dear." Someone says.

I turn my head to see a mummified Luke sitting on the chair beside my bed.

"What are you doing up Luke, you should be in bed." I burst out.

"I have been given permission to walk around and be free for a matter of one hour, twenty six minutes and eight seconds, I just can't exert myself too much that's it."

"Just tell me how you're feeling. Are you in any sort of pain?"

"Please turn off your big sister instincts for five minutes you're gonna make my head explode," he says pressing his fingers to his temples in annoyance. "I should be the one doing the interrogating, not you Kira."

"Go ahead Mr. Interrogation man, ask what you want."

"Well I want to ask how you're feeling and if you needed anything since it's my turn to take care of you now."

"That's really nice of you Luke and I'd even ruffle your hair if I could get up now, but please stop being the older one, you're doing the big brother's job. You're supposed to be the little brother, the one who annoy's the crap out of the older one."

"I thought I'd be the older one for a change and hey I've already fulfilled the role of being the younger one, I annoy the crap out of you almost everyday."

"And then there's days like today when you're not in the mood of being immature and fifteen."

"Exactly sister dear, I'm happy you've caught on."

"Ok as you wish big brother but do tell me what you and Eliza spoke about."

"You and Jace are seriously creepy, are you like psychic or something, it's major creepy that you know each and every moment when I talk to Eliza."

"I have my ways brother dear."

"No you don't, tell me how you do it."

"Ok ok, I know this time because I called her here, she deserves to know what happens to her best friend."

"Yeah that makes sense, we talked about the game and that the other school won, she talked about how I'm a careless freak and that I could have died. She hugged me and cried into my T-shirt, do all girls do that? scold a guy and then emotionally breakdown on them." Luke asks, confused.

"Yeah pretty much."

"You need something to eat or drink Kira?"

"No that's ok, just help me to sit up. I'm fed up of laying down."

He helps me sit up straight since I still feel a bit woozy and then we talked a little more.

"You look like you're a mummy, the dead Egyptian ones."

"Yeah I'm aware that I look like an Egyptian mummy,you don't have to point it out again."

"Where all do you have bandages and how many stitches did you get."

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