Chapter 22 | The 76th Hunger Games

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"Too bad guys aren't like Mr. Potato Head Where you can pick and choose which parts you want. Then we might come up with a guy who meets your standards."

- Susane Colasanti, When It Happens


Chapter 22 | The 76th Hunger Games

I gotta admit, this prank is Hermes worthy." Victoria says.

"What's Hermes? It sounds like a Greek sandwich."

She fake gasped "Dude, it's not a what, it's a he. You were right on the Greek though, he's the Greek god of thieves and schist. If you've read Percy Jackson you'd get what I mean."

I nodded, I really didn't have time for this now. It was close to the day end and Friday night after me and Victoria had finished arguing wether I liked Jace or not, we thought of ways to destroy Caroline.

Yep, you heard me absolutely right. Destroy. Caroline.

Ok it was actually ways to destroy her social life but I chose to tune out the words 'life' and 'social'

I don't know what Victoria did, but she had put this type of chemical bomb which to the human looked like black paint but was really some nasty substance, in Caroline's locker.

Exactly when Caroline opens the locker, the bomb will explode and splatter her clothes and turn her into a gorilla or something. But just so everyone knows, no offense to any gorillas out there.


"-so Eric got me this really cute lipstick which has this adorable shade, I'll wear it over. Yes I'm serious."

Caroline was walking out of class hand bag in hand with that creepy dog of her's in it, she was blabbering her way to glory on her stupid, expensive phone.

Why do boys find less clothes attractive.

She was wearing a black bandeau, a white miniskirt which stopped literally under her but and stilettos. Just looking at the height of things made me want to cry.

"Why couldn't we just go with plan D and let Adam hit her with a bazooka." Victoria whines.

"Because he's already got two warnings and one more and he's suspended" I reason. But honestly I wanted to go with that plan too.

"Since when do we care what happens to Adam."

I roller my eyes "since always you little dimwit."

"Walk towards your death little rodent." someone says.

I turn around to see Jace, Adam and Drew sitting behind us as if they knew what was happening. I had a feeling they knew it had something to do with Caroline though.

"She isn't exactly walking towards her death, but metaphorically saying, yes she is." Drew explains

"Shhhh!" I wanna see every part of this in silence, the only people who should be talking were me and Victoria.

Caroline walks towards the locker and just when she's about to open the locker Eric walks into the scene and starts eating her face, I ain't gonna say kiss because by no angle did it look like one.

Me and the rest of the guys began to fake gag. Drew and Victoria kiss, at least they aren't pricks and she devils. In our current situation we are counting ways in which we will not gag because just take a look at who's out there.

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