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hi go read my dark harry fic cuz i know y'all love me <33

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hi go read my dark harry fic cuz i know y'all love me <33


elbows on her knees as she waited in boredom. the night air was crisp, breezy. she loved the weather. she didn't have to dress to warmly or too bare.

her birthday was in just a few hours; the big 17 just waiting for her to join the club. jasper hated being young: a complete baby. most of her friends were older, but that was simply because reggie's friends were, and they were always together no matter what.

not tonight, though. jasper ditched reggie to go to the night lovell concert tonight. they were gonna go thrifting and eat downtown together like they did every since they were eleven. but unfortunately, reggie's hotter older brother beat him to it.

jasper's eyes perked up as she watched vinnie pull up in front her house in his black jeep. she stood up from her position and was about to open the door before vinnie slapped her hand away. "ow." shw muttered.

"ladies first." vinnie opened the passenger door. jasper playfully rolled her eyes and hopped in the seat. vinnie then closed the door behind her and jogged back over to the driver's seat where he got in the car. "you excited?"

jasper couldn't help but shrug, "your girlfriend gonna tag along too?" she looked in the backseat in search of emily.

"ahaha really funny." vinnie replied sarcastically. "i really am sorry, jas." he apologized.

"yeah, me too." jasper muttered. she wasn't even apologizing to him, but more to herself. jasper knew vinnie's true intentions behind befriending her. she knew the risks of messing with her (very protective) best friend's older brother. she needed attention, and she hated that vinnie was the one to give it to her.

"you look really pretty." vinnie looked her up down. her hair was now a platinum silver white, and she was wearing a lavender lettuce-trimmed off the shoulder crop top, mid-blue jeans, with her white air forces. her outfit was so simple, yet she looked absolutely gorgeous.

"thanks." jasper blew a small strand of hair out her face.

"are you ever gonna talk to me?" vinnie took a quick glance over at the girl as he drove.

"i'm talking to you right now." jasper played dumb. she wanted to see where vinnie was gonna go with this.

"stop playing dense, jas." vinnie sighed, "what you did to me the other night was greatly appreciated. i hope you didn't think i was taking advantage of you."

jasper helplessly shrugged, "it's whatever." she wasn't in the mood to talk much. she just wanted to see her favorite man live so she can rap her heart out. "it's not gonna happen again."

"jas, that's not what i'm saying." vinnie sighed, "i want it to happen- you and i. at least hang out a little more." jasper opened her mouth to speak, but vinnie cut her off, "emily and i are not a thing anymore. i know she's annoying as fuck, but you have to believe me when i say i do not like her anymore."

"ok." was all jasper said.

"ok?" vinnie questioned.

"ok, vincent." jasper repeated.

the two teenagers sat in a somewhat awkward silence as vinnie continued to drive. when he finally got to their location, he pulled up in front of the revenue where there was a mid length line.

jasper was gonna say something to break the ice burg, but pursed her lips awkwardly when the contact name emily <3 popped up on vinnie's phone as it rang continuously.

"might wanna get that." she pointed, keeping the same look on her face. god, was she annoying.

"i'm not answering." vinnie told her as he put the car in park. jasper sat back in her seat as she looked out the window. vinnie's phone began vibrating again.

"just answer it, vinnie." jasper patted her thigh in annoyance. vinnie took one quick glance at her before he hesitantly grabbed his phone.

"go stand on line. i'm gonna go find parking and meet you there so we don't have to wait too long."

"can i get the tickets?" jasper held her hand out.

vinnie shook his head, "their attached to my email on my phone." he gestured to emily continuously calling. "go, babe. i'll meet you at the front door by then."

jasper nodded and just as she opened the door, vinnie grabbed her face and pushed it into his. "be safe." he kissed her lips before staring at it. jasper turned red and nodded her head before she hopped out the car.

the short girl walked to the back of the line where she stood and opened up her phone to scroll through instagram. it was getting chillier, and by now, her legs were growing goosebumps.

after half an hour passed, the girl clicked on vinnie's contact to call him. it immediately went to voicemail. "come on, pick up, dude." she sighed. voicemail again.

maybe he's still on the phone with emily she thought.

after ten more minutes had passed and she was getting closer to the front of the line, jasper let people behind her skip ahead and take her place. she knew that with no ticket, there was no entry.

time began to pass by and the girl started to get frustrated and annoyed. the show was staring soon.

where are you ??

the show is starting

come on v,
we're gonna
be mad late

how fucking long
does it take to
find parking in
the damn lot ??


bro you've deadass
been gone for over
an hour and a half

if we miss the
show i'm gonna
fucking hit you
and cry

v come on

im fucking freezing

hurry up !!

the show started.

they're not letting
anyone else in.

i hate you.

author's note,
hello children !!! i promise
i did not abandon y'all !!!
i've just been so busy with
having writer's block, school,
and taking college class (as
a high school junior). i had
to write this damn 16 page
paper !!! stressful asfk but
i finally got it done, and
im so ready to feed you all
with some updates !!

btw, if you like harry styles,
you should check out my
book, "saints row". chapter
1 is coming soon !

also !! would y'all want some
ross lynch and *maybe* mgk
& pete davidson books ? lmk !

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