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vinnie walked into the basement.

"why?" reggie questioned. vinnie spun his car keys around his fingers. "mom spoke to jas' mom and she said we can still take the weekend trip to cali if we want. excluding the time it takes for us to travel, of course."

"it's wednesday, dumbass." reggie insulted.

"you wanna get there by friday and spend the weekend, don't you, dumbass?" vinnie shot.

jasper rolled her eyes, "alright alright. lemme just call my mom to make sure i have the green light to go. cuz lord knows she be changing her mind like no tomorrow." she got up and walked out the room.

"dude," reggie walked over to vinnie, "the roadtrip, really?"

"what? it'll be good for the economy." vinnie shrugged with a smirk.

"yeah, you mean yourself." reggie scoffed. "it's been a month."

"yo, what's your problem?" vinnie scoffed.

"my problem? you wanna know what my problem is? you're fucking over my best friend and instead of admitting it, you're still doing it." reggie snapped.

"reg, bro. if you have a crush on her just say that, dude." vinnie teased with a laugh.

"you know what, maybe i do." reggie crossed his hands. "which is why i'm not gonna let you fuck her over like you constantly do other girls. i'm not letting that happen to jas." he couldn't have his brother ruin the only good thing he had going on for him.

"maybe i got a crush on her too," vinnie crossed his arms, "the fuck are you gonna do about it?" reggie glared at his brother before scoffing and walking away. vinnie ruined everything.

"hey, what's going on with you and my brother?" reggie asked jasper who laid on his bed. "are you guys talking or?"

jasper shook her head, "not really. i mean he apologized to me for everything when we went to the skate park the other day but other that that-" she shrugged.

"you two went to the skate park?" reggie wasn't sure if he should feel confused or hurt that jasper hadn't said anything to him. i mean, it wasn't his business, sure. but when things came to jas and vinnie, reggie always has to find out his brother's next destructive plan.

"yeah." jasper nodded, "i told you, remember?"

reggie searched back in his mind before falsely nodding his head. "yeah, yeah, i remember."

"relax, reg. i'm not gonna pick him over my number one boy." jasper pulled him into her chest as she ran her hand through his curls. "your brother's never gonna come between us, okay? i promise."

reggie nodded his head, but somehow, part of him felt like that wasn't true.

"okay, y'all are sure that you have everything?" vinnie looked between jasper and reggie who just nodded.

vinnie gestured for jasper sitting the front, and she followed while reggie sat in the back. "hey jas, you wanna watch a movie?" reggie offered.

"mhm, give me a few minutes." jasper told him as vinnie started the car. "i'm really tired and it's mad early but i wanna watch the high way so after that i'm knocking in the back with reggie."

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