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on his bed watching their favorite movie of all time, need for speed. "would you ever be a racer?" reggie looked back to jasper who had her arms wrapped around his neck, legs on his waist, and chin rested on his shoulder. "like as a profession."

"mhmm, profession? yes and no." jasper let out a breath. "i'd def be a street racer though. like an illegal one? for sure." she rested her head on his shoulder. "you?"

"maybe professionally. i don't think i'd be as good as aaron paul."

"please, you'd be one hell of a racer." jasper kissed her teeth. "not no paul walker but—" reggie rolled his eyes dramatically and the girl laughed.

"jasper, shut up, i'm not feeding into your obsession with that man."

"he is beautiful!" jasper gasped.

"jasper, he's dead!" reggie exclaimed. now she was caught in a fit of laughter behind his back.

"shut up, you're just jealous." jasper pushed him.

"jealous of what? what does a dead man have that i don't?"

"boy, don't even get me started—" before jasper could answer, the door flew open and quickly vinnie walked in but stopped abruptly when he saw jasper's body on reggie's.

he wasn't gonna lie. he felt a ping in his chest.

"what?" reggie questioned his brother as to why he barged into his room like a mad man. "vinnie, what is it?" vinnie didn't answer, instead he still stared at jasmine who stared back at him.

"babe!" a female voice called from the hallway. "where's my bras i left over here? i can't find it!"

jasper couldn't help but feel her blood boil in her veins. "bro, seriously?" reggie stood up. "i thought i told you to get rid of her!" he exclaimed, not even caring that jasper was in the room.

"dude, i'm not gonna take her home drunk!" vinnie scoffed, "i was gonna let her sleep it off over here and then drop her home in the morning."

"i can't believe you." reggie shook his head. "why don't you just leave with her?" he pushed vinnie out his room.

"look, bro. i just wanna apologize to jasper." vinnie muttered lowly.

"she doesn't wanna talk to you, man." reggie shook his head. "especially since she now knows that you kept that dumb blonde over here." he aggressively pointed.

"look, it's my fault, okay? i didn't think she would mind it if i picked em up."

"yeah before your fucking concert you had the tickets for." reggie gritted. he turned around to head back inside, but stopped to face his brother again, "you know bro, i don't even think you understand how bad you hurt jas. you left her in the cold for hours waiting on your dumbass with no text or call. she came home two in the morning a crying mess because of what you did to her."

"reg why are you getting so worked up over this? it was a freakin accident." vinnie rolled his eyes in annoyance. "it's not that serious."

"i'm gonna pretend you didn't say that." reggie let out a breath in attempts to keep his cool. "get rid of emily. it's our birthday, and you're just being a selfish little cunt by keeping her over here when she's clearly not welcomed."

"she's staying in my room." vinnie told him. "i'm not gonna risk letting her get in trouble by dropping her off home very much drunk."

"you know what? screw you bro. if you aren't gonna leave with emily, then jas and i are gone." reggie pushed past his brother. he walked into his room to see jasper still watching the movie.

"you okay?" she looked up at him. "you're red."

reggie shrugged his shoulders. "brother's being a jackass again." he muttered, resting his head on her chest. "i swear i hate him."

"i'm fine, reg." jasper ran her hand through the boy's curls. "you don't have to keep going to war for me." she sighed.

"i know, but my brother doesn't know when to be a 'player' and when to be a serious person." reggie groaned in frustration. "it pisses me off because it ends up being the people i care about that's left to pick up the broken pieces."

"trust me, as long as i got you, you don't have to worry." jasper reassured him. "hey, do you wanna get some food? i swear i haven't eaten in like forever."

"we ate three boxes of pizza together two hours ago."

"shut up!" jasper threw a pillow at him. "alright let's go."

"i'm gonna go get my wallet, i left it in the car." reggie stood up with a stretch.

"aright, imma change my clothes. i been wearing the same thing since last night." jasper walked over to reggie's dresser table where she had a drawer full of her clothes.

jasper dug into the drawer and chose out a black crop top to wear with reggie's nike sweats. as she was struggling to pull her pants up over her thighs, the door busted opened and in walked vinnie who stopped to stare at the girl's illicit body.

"what do you want?" jasper muttered, successfully pulling the sweats up over her legs, not even bothering to cover herself.

"i'm sorry jas." the girl rolled her eyes. "no, like, really and truly. i feel like shit for what i did to last night. i promise it wasn't my intention."

"great." jasper replied nonchalantly as she looked in the mirror, beginning to do her edges.

"come on jasper. let me explain." vinnie pleaded.

jasper sighed and rested down her edge brush in defeat. "what happened?"

"okay, i went to park the car. just as i got into a spot all the way in the back, em called my phone." jasper cringed at the nickname for her.


she felt like she was over exaggerating about the entire situation, but how would you feel if the guy who showed little interest in you fucked you over on a birthday you were really looking forward to?

"i answered and there was just loud ass music in the background so i asked where she was, and she said at some club bar drinking with some dudes. and she's obviously not of age, so i got worried. she said she was gonna take a lyft home, and i obviously didn't wanna do that either so i went to pick her up all the way in another city." jasper sighed.

"believe me when i say that i didn't purposely ditch you or the concert. i stayed on the phone with em the entire drive there, so that is the only reason why i didn't text you." the girl gave vinnie a blank look. "i'm sorry, okay? you have to believe me."

jasper took a while to respond. "okay." she stood up from her seat, grabbing her things.

"okay?" vinnie looked at her in confusion.

"okay, vinnie." and with that, the girl met reggie outside the haker house.

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