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kitchen as he yawned excessively and scratched his stomach. his eyes opened widely at the sight of jasper eating cereal at the island. "when'd you get here?"

"few minutes ago." jasper spoke with a mouth full of cereal. "door was open." she had a straight look on her face. before reggie could respond, jasper's name was being called.

"jas!" vinnie jogged down the stairs. "jas it's not what you th-" jasper gave the boy a death glare as he abruptly stopped in the kitchen. "sup bro." reggie eyes his best friend and his brother suspiciously.

"it's not what she thinks what?"

"nothing." jasper continued eating her cereal. "you sleep good?" she casually looked over at reggie.

"meh, i've been up all night studying." reggie yawned, eating a spoonful of jasper's bowl. "you?"

"you were up all night?" jasper refrained from choking on her creal.

"yeah, since like three." reggie nodded. "why? did you call me or something?"

"no, it's nothing." jasper shook her head. "i'm okay, just not really in the mood." she muttered monotonously.

"okay, well let's hang out today. tomorrow's our birthday, bestie." reggie smirked.

"oh my god, i totally forgot." jasper laughed. "what do you wanna do? i haven't really been in the birthday mood latley"

"me neither. i don't know, to be honest." reggie shrugged. "let's go on a road trip! just the two of us." he suggested.

"i like that idea." jasper smiled. "okay let's do that. we can leave like tonight or something."

"wait...we're gonna need my brother to drive..." reggie twisted his face. jasper rolled her eyes in response. "come on jas, i really wanna go see some other part other than this stupid town. it's either him or my parents."

"well, where do you wanna go?"

"let's go to to cali!" reggie suggested, "it's only like a 15 hour drive and we'll just have to pass through oregon and maybe idaho."

"i dunno, reg. you and your dumb brother for fifteen hours straight?" jasper twisted her face.

"oh please, it'll be so worth it." reggie rolled his eyes. "you think your mom'll be okay with it?"

"i'll ask her, but if your parents aren't taking us, she's probably say yes if your brother goes." jasper sighed.

"hey, what's wrong?" reggie touched her sides softly.

jasper took a quick look at vinnie who was cooking eggs at the stove quietly. "nothing." the girl shook the frown off her face and replaced it with a smile. "i'm down. i'll text her in a few, but i'd probably have to leave early to pack and stuff."

"alright, pack lightly. we'll probably stay for like two days."

"we're really gonna do this." jasper smiled at her friend.

"hell yeah." reggie scoffed. "finish your cereal, i'm gonna start taking clothes out!" he yelled from the staircase, leaving jasper and vinnie alone.

𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐭, 𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant