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the hacker household before we carefully walked in. reggie's parents were still at work, their usual 9-5 jobs. "reginald, i'm here bitch!" the girl called out to her best friend, using the nickname she's had for him since the fourth grade.

"in the kitchen!" jasper heard the boy call out to her. walking over to where the kitchen was, jasper moved in and saw reggie eating cereal, "you ready?" reggie looked at her.

"yeah, we going to the basement?" reggie placed his bowl in the sink before he nodded. he opened the door for jasper and allowed her to walk down first. when jasper made it down, she walked to her and reggie's usual hangout spot and saw vinnie playing video games in his corner. "alright, show me exactly what you need help with."

"uh, everything." reggie said in an obvious tone. "i literally get none of this shit." he admitted with a gesture to his school books. jasper let out a laugh as she took out a pen from her book bag.

"alright, let's start of with the basics. when you-" jasper was cut off by a loud yell.

"dude, shut the fuck up!" reggie screamed over vinnie's loud voice. the older boy flipped his younger brother off in response and took a quick glance at jasper before he rolled his eyes and focused his attention back on the tv.

"anyways." jasper rolled her eyes, "you basically have to try and remember everything that we learned in algebra one, freshman year."

"mhm, and i failed that too." reggie pursed his lips and awkwardly nodded his head. "what?"

"you're telling me that after all those times i tutored you, you still failed algebra one?"

"at this point jasper i think it's me, not you. mostly you though." jasper laughed and threw a random pencil at the boy while he laughed. "i'm kidding. i just never pay attention in class." he admitted.

"well you best buckle up and start focusing reginald because i am not graduating without you." jasper pointed at the boy sternly.

"okay okay." reggie held his hands up defensively. "let's get started."

"alright, so before you can do anything, you need to know the basic definitions. a function is what?"

"uh." reggie's eyes trailed from his paper and back over to jasper. "a relation-"

"no." jasper shook her head, "a relation is a different term. a function is an equation for which any x value can be plugged in and yield a y value." reggie looked at the brown girl with a blank face before he looked over at his paper.

"exactly, dumbass." vinnie teased from his seat, taking a glance over at his brother. reggie raised his hand to flip him off, and jasper rolled his eyes. "one x for every y." vinnie added.

"gee, didn't think you passed algebra." jasper muttered, causing reggie to snicker and vinnie to eye her with a small smirk. the boy grumbled something underneath his breath, but jasper was too busy laughing with her friend to pay attention. "alright alright. tell me what a binomial is."

"it's an expression with two terms."

"okayyy!" jasper praised as she saw him write notes down. "the professional term is 'polynomial' but good job, hacker."

after about an hour of studying snd going over terms, jasper stood up, "i'm gonna get something to drink, want anything?" she yawned.

"coke." jasper nodded her head and then made her way up the stairs. the girl walked into the kitchen, and opened the fridge, searching for something to drink. jasper bent down to get a better look in the fridge but quickly stood up when she felt something swiftly touched her clothed body.

she turned to the right and saw that vinne was yawning while he made himself a bowl of cereal. lifting his shirt, the boy scratched his defined abs as he turned to fave jasper. "what?" he asked in confusion.

jasper lightly scoffed and rolled her eyes in response before she turned back to the fridge. deciding on some lemonade, the girl grabbed the large jug and rested it on the counter. jasper was about to walk over to where the cups were in the cupboard but stopped when vinnie coincidentally stood in her way.

lightly huffing, the girl turned to walk around him but mentally groaned when vinnie stood before here again. she quickly tried to make her way around him once more, but kissed her teeth loudly once she bumped into his chest, "the fuck is your problem?" she hissed.

"damn, the proper word is excuse me." vinnie smirked down at her. jasper rolled her eyes and finally made her way over to where the cups sat but groaned once she realized they weren't there, and instead in the cupboard way above her height.

she stepped on her tippy toes and tried to lean in for the handle but sighed once she could barely get ahold of the metal knob. vinnie watched in amusement as she tried to open the cupboard again but miserably fail.

he purposely switched the placement of the cups.

"need some help?" he stared at jasper with an entertained look on his face. jasper just glared at him in response. she walked away to get a chair to stand on, only to see that vinnie had taken a glass down for her. "here you go." he handed it to her.

"fuck you."

author's note,
the hacker brothers
are so mf fine like i-

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