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day in her locker and closed it shut to reveal vinnie, causing her to jump. "you creep!" she spazzed, hitting his chest while her heart beat rapidly. "what do you want?"

vinnie let out a small laugh, "you need a ride over to my place?" he asked her. jasper furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "you are tutoring reggie, right?" he questioned.

"oh, yeah." jasper slapped her forehead in realization. "it's fine, i'll walk there myself. i wanna get food anyways." she waved him off.

"great. let's go." vinnie gestured his head toward the exit. jasper rolled her eyes, "told you i don't take no for an answer." the girl grabbed her bag and follower him out the school.

as the two were walking in silence to the car, emily grabbed vinnie's hand, causing them to stop. "start the car." he ordered jasper, tossing her the keys to which she successfully caught. he gave her a look of seriousness when she smirked between him and emily.

rolling her eyes, jasper flipped him off before she walked to the tall black jeep. hopping in on the third try and finally making it on the seat, the girl leaned over to the driver's side and placed the key in the ignition, starting the car.

her eyes soon gazed over to the rear view mirror where she saw emily leaning on vinnie. she laughed at something he said, and he had an amused look on his face. the two ended the conversation with vinnie rolling his eyes and then walking away from the blonde.

jasper wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad sign.

"what was that about?" the girl couldn't help but ask. she liked being nosy sometimes.

"nothin'" vinnje casually shook his head, "she just wanted to hang out." he mentioned. jasper looked at him, "i told her i was hanging with you."

the girl raised her eyebrows, "boy, who said we was hanging out?" she gestured between the two. "i just wanted some food."

"and that's what we're about to do." vinnie said in an obvious tone. jasper playfully rolled her eyes before she looked out the window as vinnie pulled out the school parking lot. "alright, where do you wanna go?" he took a quick look at her.

"mhm. i want some sushi." jasper answered, "there's this one place on melrow that reg and i usually go to, but i'm not sure if you'll wanna drive all the way down there."

"that's fine." vinnie waved her off. "so-"

"don't talk to me." jasper interrupted him. the two teenagers sat in an awkward silence for a minute before the girl let out a loud laugh, "i'm kidding, jackass. what is it?" she giggled.

"asshole." vinnie rolled his eyes. "now i forgot my question."

"mhm, no you didn't." jasper shook her head.

"i was gonna ask if you were going to the homecoming game next month." vinnie playfully rolled his eyes.

jasper shrugged her shoulders, "not sure. i don't usually go to school parties and stuff."

"what? you don't wanna see your best friend play?" vinnie rested his hand on his chest in pretend hurt.

"reggie plays cross country." jasper looked over at him. "i'm playing. i don't know what makes you think i like you, hacker." she teased.

"because i'm obviously the better hacker."

"mhm, no you're not."

when the two teenagers made it to the sushi place, vinnie parked in the parking lot and opened jasper's door, helping her out the car. "short ass." he muttered. "i'm gonna need to get one of those step stools for you." he teased.

jasper flipped him off in response.

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